Chapter 3 Kai calm down

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Morro POV

'He is such a CHILD!!! I am not ready to take care of this!'

Lloyd and I are in the training room, going through some simple movements. Every once in a while he looks back at me to make sure he's doing it right. When he does get it right, he beams; when he does it wrong, he starts grumbling and angrily tries fixing it. He looks like a blond, older version of me, thank gosh I'm not like Wu, that would be a nightmare.

"How about we stop for now." I suggest, feeling second-hand discomfort from the way he's trying to copy the way I was balancing on one foot.

"I'm fine." He huffs out, looking like he's going to fall at the smallest breeze.

Turns out he would. He's on the floor, rubbing his head in pain.

"Why'd you do that? I was doing fine."

"No you weren't, I wasn't even trying to knock you down and I had succeeded."

Huffing he gets up, and grabs his camo jacket he left there this morning. He's been here for a few days now, and as calming it is to have Lloyd back here, having no memories placed a damper on it all.

"Fine. I guess I'll find Rumi, since you're not gonna be any fun."

Throwing a water bottle his way, he ducks with a yelp and sticks his tongue out at me.

"Thanks for the water!" He yells behind him as he runs out with the one I threw.

"That child is going to be the impossible death of me." I groan, preparing to leave myself.

Lloyd POV

Running from Morro, I stumble to a stop in the living room. Dad's reading a book on one of the couches. He glanced up and raised an eyebrow before looking back at his book.

"D'you know where Rumi is?" I ask, walking to the couch and plopping beside him, crossing my feet.

"No, she is probably in her room. What has gotten you all worked up? Weren't you with Morro?" He asked, looking at me. Sighing and leaning back, holding onto my legs to keep me still upright-ish.

"I was, but he said to stop cause he was claiming I wasn't fine when I was balancing When I Clearly Was."

"Mhm, I believe you-"

"Don't pester me."

"So you are looking for Harumi because Morro told you to take a break?"

"Yep! I'ma continue looking bye!"

Uncrossing my legs and jumping off the couch, I run out the Living room door towards the bedrooms. Making it to Rumi's door I knock and open it to see her sharpening a blade on her bed.

"When I told you that you don't need to knock to come in, I didn't mean knock and barge in right after." She said, not even looking up.

"Well I would've knocked and waited, but you would've berated me for that too, and that would've taken longer to get in." I answer, walking over and flopping on her bed beside her.

"And what are you doing in my room, hm? Weren't you with Morro." She asks, looking over at me and settling down her blade.

"Yeah, but he said to stop for now, so I went to you." I got up behind her, legs on either side and hugged her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Mm, seems like you're bored then." She went back to sharpening the sword.

"Nah, I'm good now." I wrap my legs under hers

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