Chapter 4 Either, I'm hallucinating or I see Harumi

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Nya and I are searching around Ninjago City closest to the labyrinth to see if he's over here. It's a far stretch, Zane even agrees, but this way we can try to calm down Kai a bit more. We've been searching for the better part of the past hour and not even a hinted sign of anything has appeared.

"Ugh, I hate to say it but we're not finding anything!" I say, throwing my hand up.

"Yeah, I know, but you know my brother. Hey, Zane asked if we could grab a few things from the store while we're here. Why not take a break and do that?" Nya said, looking down at her modified Samurai X watch.

"Yes! Please."

We walk to the grocery store as Nya tells me the list of a few basic medical stuff and the ingredients for Kai's favorite dinner.

"Alright, divide and conquer or slow and avoidant? Personally I'd like to be slow and avoidant."

Nya shakes her head and kisses my cheek, telling me she's getting the medical and to get cold foods last. Sighing half solemnly, I go over the list and start shopping.

"Ok, most are done, now veggies." I say to myself, walking to the vegetable idle

Grabbing a few carrots, I hear a familiar laugh. I couldn't figure out who it was, so I turned around to look for the origin. Searching for a few seconds, I see a Very familiar set of white hair put up in a ponytail with a pair of chopsticks in between pop out from an idle before disappearing behind it. Slowly, I grab my phone and call Nya.

"Hey, Jay. Are you done? I haven't seen you yet, give me a second."

"Nya?" I ask, voice noticeably going up an octave.

"What happened? I'm tracking you now." She asks, protective and stern voice replacing the friendly one from a second ago.

"Either, I'm hallucinating or I see Harumi. Like hair before the Quiet One and kind smile looking Harumi."

"......Give me two minutes."

After Nya hung up, I slowly creeped over to try to see her better. Listening in, I hear her talking to someone.

"Well, maybe if you didn't continuously try to sneak food in the cart, I would need to take them out. And NO we are not baking a cake! Put it back!" She's play-fighting?

"But, if we make a cake we won't have to have all the candy. Wouldn't you prefer that?" An Extremely recognizable male voice responded to her, making her huff.

"Fine. But you're putting all the candy back. And I'm not letting you seek any past alright?"

"Yes, your majesty." Lloyd responds mockingly, walking past me, holding the mentioned candy in his hands. He saw me, but didn't react, as if he didn't recognize me.

"Don't call me that!" Harumi yells to his retreating form.

In around five seconds or less, there was a knife against my throat and a throwing knife against hers.

"What have you done with him?" I ask, voice threateningly low.

"Absolutely nothing. Everything he is doing is his choice." She says, as if there was no threat.

After a second she drops her knife and places it back where it was stored under her shirt. A few seconds after that I did the same. Still glaring at her, I move back a few steps.

"If it really is his choice, why is he with you? He hates you after you broke his heart."

"First off, he doesn't hate me. Second, I said that I didn't do anything, but I was informed that something did happen before I saw him."

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