Chapter 6 I will take your fire

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When we landed by the pyramid, the entrance was already open and Gale Gossip was talking into the streaming camera about how Clutch Powers is still inside exploring, and a snake lady is doing something inside.

"That's not good." Zane says, scanning the building as we all listen to Gale.

"Why is it always snakes? What'd Wu do this time?" Morro comments, gaining questioning looks from everyone, even Lloyd. Thank FSM he hasn't lost his mind as well as his memories.

"You do realize that all the snake attacks you guys have had, Wu had something to do with in his past, right?"

"Some mini Lloyd caused." Jay blurts out, making Lloyd duck his head.

"If you're referring to Pythor and the serpentine, Wu was the one to suggest locking them up in those tombs. He never knew the locations but yeah." Morro says, looking off to the side.

"How would you know that?" Nya asks.

"I might've been dead for a long time, but not too long. Wu was my sensei first remember? And I knew most of the previous elemental masters, how else would I have known them. Plus, the serpentine wars is how I gained my true potential." He answers, walking closer to the entrance.

"That's a lot of information you're giving us." I comment. We all start following him inside the pyramid.

"None that you can use against me, and none that is actually useful to you." He responds as we walk towards an old bridge.

The place around it is very spacious, all decorated in snakelike designs and the space underneath the bridge leads to a bit of a drop. Jay starts walking onto the bridge when Morro yells at him to wait. We all turn to him, most glaring.

"Does no one read adventure books here? Old bridges usually collapse underneath you if you just normally walk across." Jay starts slowly moving away from the bridge.

"I didn't know you read adventure books." Lloyd says.

"We don't have many scrolls and I have an entire bookshelf full of them in my room. I thought you knew this by now. The best way to go across is fast and light, if not it leads to a more likely possibility of it breaking underneath."

We all look at each other before rushing across, one by one so that we're not putting more than needed pressure on it. Morro ended up being the last one across.

"You just said that to make us look like fools didn't you." I asked him when everyone started walking again.

"Would you rather have fallen?" He asks then moves ahead.

We end up at a staircase with a really long spiderweb by it.

"Any advice for this one?" Lloyd asks Morro, gesturing to the stairs.

"It looks like one of those that can turn into a slide, I suggest being careful where you step and not moving anything around it. Including the weird spiderweb." He says pointing it out.

He uses his wind to float above the spiderweb and slowly and carefully walk down. Lloyd follows his lead, jumping over the web and carefully walking down. I look at the others, which I get a shrug from Nya as she follows, soon joined by Cole and Zane. Doing the same, I go over the cobweb, and slowly walk down. Apparently one of us wasn't careful because we heard a clunking sound before the stairs turned into a slide.

"Told you!"

"Not the time Morro!" I heard Lloyd shout before the shouts became louder.

I hear Morro start repeatedly cussing when I see spikes appearing at the end. I can feel wind slowing me down when I yell that I've got it and blast through some of the spikes. When we went through the smoke, we landed on the ground, everyone groaning and complaining about their injuries or pain.

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