Chapter 9 Ninja Never Quit

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Zane POV

While flying towards the Museum, we found more people in danger, as well as the police.

"Hey are those the authorities trying to help? F— yeah, better than mine!" Morro says, guiding his dragon to push the snakes away from the commissioner and other policemen.

We get off the dragons to better assist in taking down the snakes. While running over, I jump up and blast ice at the first approaching snake, running past a few more to take out the ones farther back. After finishing off the last ones after, we ran back towards the commissioner.

"Oh, thank you. It's good to have you all back." He says, eyeing Morro. "Isn't he that ghost that terrorized stixx?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was being controlled and am not to blame for my actions during that time?" Morro asks with a serious tone of voice.

Everyone looks at him with either a 'are you serious' look or confusion. "Guess not, no-one really does."

"Uh, cause that's a lie." Jay says, sounding unsure.

"It's not, but not important for now."

The commissioner's phone goes off with an alert.

"We're getting reports the leader of the serpents is heading for Ninjago History Museum."

"Her name is Aspheera, and she's deeply nuts." Cole pipes in.

"Whatever she's after, we'd better not let her get it." Lloyd says, taking initiative.

"How can we help?" The commissioner asks

"Evacuate as many people as you can and set up a perimeter. We'll handle the rest."

"You hear him." The commissioner signals and the policemen run off.

"Nice job there Lloyd." Nya says

"Really? I was BS-ing like most of that."

"I could not tell that, so yes you did great." I say, making him smile.

"We better get moving." Cole says, taking charge again.

"Actually, I'm sitting this one out." Kai says, making us all stop to look at him.

"What?" We all asked.

"Why?" Lloyd asks.

"Aspheera stole my powers, remember? I can't help. I mean, Jay had to save me just now. Jay!"

"Huh, that's a weird way of saying thanks."

"I don't understand, what's the problem?" Morro asks

"Were you not listening?" Jay asks

"Kai does not believe he can help without powers." I repeat for him.

"No, I heard that. I just don't see why that's a problem. You guys fight without powers all the time, plus you're probably better off in a fight than muscle-memory greenie over here."

"Hey! It was your idea!"

There are more quakes as fireballs in the distance land.

"We don't have time to argue. People in that museum need our help!" Nya says

"She's right, we gotta go." Cole adds, making Jay and I walk towards them. Kai turned around and Lloyd walked a bit closer to him.

"If you change your mind, you know where we'll be." Lloyd says, before joining us in running away.

"Ok, I have no clue if I remember this right, but that was totally a quote from before that tournament, right?" Morro asks. Lloyd, Nya and I look at him questioningly when Jay and Cole gasp.

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