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A low, continuous humming filled the room, slowly awaking Chuuya. The boy fluttered his eyes open, at first being confused about where he was. Then he remembered the events of yesterday. An annoyed sigh escaped from his lips, suddenly also remembering about his oh so lovely roommate. The roommate that was probably the source of the humming.

"Oi, you bastard, shut the fuck up. I'm trynna sleep," Chuuya hissed, covering his face with a pillow, trying to drown out the sound of Dazai's stupid annoying voice.

The humming stopped, but it was replaced by the sound of shuffling, like someone was moving around, then Dazai's face poked over the edge of Chuuya's bed, staring at him with a dumb grin on his face.

"Gooood mooooorning, Chuuya! Rise and shine, another day has arrived," he sang in an over the top cheerful voice, annoying the redhead even more.

Chuuya took the pillow from his face, throwing it at Dazai, but he effortlessly caught it in his right hand, throwing it across the room.

"You idiotic bandaged freak, I swear that if you don't fuck off I'm gonna break your fucking ribs," he threatened, but the other boy just rested his head on the edge of his bed, looking at him with the same dumb smile.

"Even though your offer is tempting, I was just trying to be a nice roommate," Dazai sighed, faking a hurt expression. "I was just trying to wake you up, since class starts in 15 minutes," he continued explaining, backing away from Chuuya's bed and standing up next to his own bed.

This fully awakened Chuuya. He grumbled a few curses under his breath, stumbling out of his bed, trying not to fall off the small ladder leading up to his bed. Without even sparing a glance at Dazai, he walked into the small bathroom with some clean clothes.

The boy had expected that by the time he got out of the bathroom Dazai would have already left, but, to Chuuya's surprise (and annoyance), the other boy was sitting on his bed, calmly reading from a book. Dazai looked up from his book at Chuuya, then he got up, putting the book back under his pillow.

"Well, let's go," he said, beginning to walk towards the door.

Chuuya rolled his eyes, but he followed Dazai. "I don't need you to find my way around here," the shorter boy bickered, walking past Dazai.

The bandaged boy caught up to him, walking besides Chuuya, completely ignoring his earlier comment. Annoyed, Chuuya made a turn to the left, trying to find his class on his own. A cold yet gentle hand grabbed his wrist, dragging him in the other direction. "I don't mean to criticize your sense of direction, but our class is the other way, chibi," Dazai laughed, continuing to guide Chuuya towards their classroom.

The redhead snatched his hand away. "Fuck off, you tacky bastard," he grumbled under his breath, but he continued to follow Dazai.

Once the two reached the class they were looking for, Chuuya walked away from Dazai, sitting down near one of the windows in the front of the classroom. Suddenly, the entire room went quiet, making the redhead look up and search for the source of the sudden silence.

Dazai was calmly making his way towards him, and everyone was cautiously staring at the bandaged boy. Ignoring all the stares like it was a common occurrence, Dazai sat down next to Chuuya, giving him an annoying smile. The boy got comfortable, resting his back against the backrest of the chair. As suddenly as the silence came, the room was filled with whispers.

Chuuya stared at Dazai with an annoyed look on his face, throwing a hundred curses at him in his head. The other boy suddenly laughed. "Stop staring at me like you want to kill me, slug," Dazai looked at Chuuya with a cocky annoying expression.

"Would you rather me stop thinking about it and actually doing it, bastard?" Chuuya snapped, only making Dazai's grin grow wilder.

"You're welcome to try, midget. I have high hopes for you," he sarcastically said, leaning towards Chuuya as if he was encouraging him to actually hurt him.

Their conversation, if you could even call it that, was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, the teacher entering the classroom. He walked towards the desk, sitting down and placing a box in front of him. Then, he got up and looked at Chuuya. "You," he said, pointing at him, "take those scissors and open that box. There are some winter clothes in there for you," he explained, his eyes shifting to the boy sitting next to Chuuya, a questioning look appearing on his expression for a second.

"Good morning, teach," Dazai smiled at the teacher, his voice overly sweet. The teacher seemed startled, but he nodded his head at the boy. "I just missed your lessons, so I thought I would attend them from now on," Dazai continued talking, looking directly at the teacher. The man nodded once again, then shifted his attention back to Chuuya.

The boy got up from his seat, taking the scissors and beginning to open the box that apparently contained some winter clothes for him. Those clothes were actually just a pair of black leather gloves, a hat and a simple black coat. He wasn't complaining, since he was already starting to feel the weather changing, winter coming.

"You really are short, aren't you?" Dazai's amused voice snapped Chuuya out of his thoughts, making him look at the other boy. "I thought I was mistaken last night, but now that I look at you, you are REALLY short, slug," the bandaged boy laughed, making Chuuya so angry that he couldn't control his next action. The redhead threw the scissors that he was holding directly at Dazai's head, but, to his surprise, the brunette easily caught them when they were only a few centimeters away from his face, casually throwing them away, the scissors landing exactly besides the teacher's head, sticking out of the blackboard.

The teacher gasped in horror, stumbling away from where he was standing just a few seconds ago, staring at the scissors.

"No need to be so rude, chibi," Dazai chuckled. "Just make sure you drink enough milk and maybe you'll grow a few centimeters taller," he sarcastically said, not being able to hold in his laughter.

Chuuya rolled his eyes, taking the box and sitting back down next to Dazai, ignoring his annoying laughter.

"Are we actually gonna do some math or are you just gonna continue looking at those stupid scissors?" Chuuya snapped at the teacher, already feeling his patience running thin because of Dazai.

To be continued...

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