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Warmth surrounded Chuuya as he woke up, something gently resting on his waist from behind. The boy opened his eyes, taking him a few seconds to remember where he was, but then the sleepiness wore off and he realized he was in Dazai's bed, since he broke his.

Chuuya slightly moved, a sleepy groan coming from behind him. He looked down at his waist, realizing that the "object" resting on top of it wasn't an object at all, but an arm. Dazai's arm to be precise. And the warmth he was surrounded in was coming from the bandaged boy's body, which was pressed against Chuuya's.

The redhead laid still for a moment, simply listening to Dazai's slow, steady breaths. His roommate was still asleep. Chuuya gently turned around in his embrace, trying not to wake him up.

This was the first time Chuuya saw Dazai with such a relaxed expression. Usually, he always wore a dumb smile or a cocky smirk, sometimes having that intimidating look on his face, but right now, he just looked like a normal 15 year old boy. Perhaps this is how he would have always looked like if he had a normal life. Just a free, careless teenager, not a feared, cold person. Not The demon prodigy. Not Dazai Osamu.

It was faint, but there was a scar on his left cheek. Without even realizing what he was doing, Chuuya cupped Dazai's sleeping face with his right hand, gently rubbing his thumb across his scar.

As if he was waiting for the redhead to do that, Dazai opened his eyes and stared at Chuuya, whose hand was still cupping his face. "That tickles," he said, a sleepy smile appearing on his face.

Being caught red-handed, Chuuya's face grew brighter, snatching his hand away as if it burned him. "I told you to sleep on the floor, so what the fuck were you doing hugging me in my sleep, you dickhead?" he half yelled, throwing his pillow at Dazai's face and pushing him off the bed with his foot.

Dazai landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Chibi, that hurt," he complained, rubbing his lower back with his hand. "It was uncomfortable and I started feeling like an old man with rheumatism, so I decided you wouldn't mind if I slept next to you on the bed," the boy said.

Chuuya looked from Dazai to his bed's mattress, which was still thrown on the floor. "If the floor was so uncomfortable, you could have slept on the mattress YOU broke," Chuuya rolled his eyes, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

Behind him, Dazai looked at the said mattress, scratching his head as if he was thinking. "Yeah, I guess I could have," he said, getting up from the floor and walking up behind Chuuya. "But why would have I given up the opportunity to snuggle up with you?" Dazai teased as he hugged the redhead from behind.

"Stop being a moron and get dressed," Chuuya lectured him, kicking him in the knee and proceeding to go to the bathroom.

When he was done getting ready, he entered the room again. Dazai was buttoning up the last few buttons on his shirt, with his back turned to him. When he heard Chuuya, he turned around, smiling at him. "Alright. I have to show you something important, so come with me," the boy said, walking up to the door and walking in the hallway. Chuuya followed closely behind, thinking about what could possibly be so important.

Dazai was unusually quiet too. He would always make annoying little remarks or jokes, but now he was silent, only looking ahead and not sparing a single glance at Chuuya.

They walked like this for a few minutes, but then Dazai was the one to break the silence. "I'm sorry you have to see this," he said, making Chuuya look up at him with confused eyes. Dazai stopped right besides a corner, looking at the ground with a cold -almost angry- expression. But that anger wasn't directed towards Chuuya. It was directed towards whatever was behind that corner.

The redhead poked his head from behind the corner and he was surprised to see Yuan and Shirase a few feet away from him, talking, or perhaps arguing. Chuuya tried to listen to what they were saying.

"...-this might not be such a good idea anymore, Yuan."

"No, Shirase. Your pea-sized brain isn't comprehending the fact that this situation just got better. They were always really close, so if he died it was possible that he killed him, so our plan would have worked, even if it was suspicious. But now they haven't talked in months. Other people noticed it too! It would make sense for Dazai to kill him, so we wouldn't seem fishy."

Shirase rubbed his arm, contemplating what he was told. "I guess you're right."

"Of course I am. So we will proceed with our plan. We'll kill Chuuya, frame Dazai, since everybody knows he would be capable of it, and, in the chaos of it all, we'll get the fuck out of here. We've been planning this for months. I haven't acted all nice and friendly with that idiot just for you to chicken out last minute, Shirase."

Chuuya had heard enough. He started walking towards them, his anger making him see red, but Dazai grabbed his wrist and pulled him back behind the corner, cupping his face with both of his hands, making him look in his eyes.

"I'm going to kill them. Let go of me!" Chuuya struggled to walk past Dazai, but he firmly held him in place.

"Chibi, calm down," the bandaged boy said, pressing his forehead against Chuuya's, slightly calming his anger down. "I know you want to make them suffer, but you can't just kill them in the hallway. They'll send you away from here. You might still be underaged, but if you get caught killing two people, they won't hesitate to send you to jail," Dazai's words brought back some sense into Chuuya, his anger subsiding.

The redhead's hands were still shaking, but Dazai dropped his hands from Chuuya's face, grabbing his and gently rubbing his thumbs over the back of his hands in an attempt to stop the shaking. Chuuya looked into Dazai's eyes and he saw a determination he had never seen before.

"They'll send you to jail if they prove you murdered someone, so that just means you have to make sure you don't get caught," he said in a serious tone, the icy coldness returning to his eyes. "Leave it to me, chibi. I already have a plan to get rid of them."

A chill shot through Chuuya's entire body, finally realizing why everyone was so afraid of the boy standing in front of him. Then and there, he realized that this was The demon prodigy that everyone was talking about. But Chuuya wasn't scared of him. He had never been.

The demon prodigy was on his side.

No, not The demon prodigy. Dazai Osamu was on his side.

And that was enough to make Chuuya feel invincible.

To be continued...

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Drama is about to start. Gay murderous drama ;)

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