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Dazai had told Chuuya to wait for him in the library while he took care of Yuan and Shirase. All the pieces of Dazai's plan fell into place and it was now time for him to act. He didn't want Chuuya to stay in their room, since the police would surely search it later and associate Chuuya with him, since he was his roommate, so that's why he asked the redhead to stay in the library, where at least one person, Oda, could testify that he wasn't related to any of the things Dazai did.

Of course, Dazai wouldn't get caught. He knew that. But he still felt the need to go the extra mile just in case. He wanted to be 100% sure that Chuuya would be safe, no matter what.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by the muffled cry of the teacher that was tied up in front of him. The boy rolled his eyes as he looked at him, mockingly tapping him on his left cheek with his boxcutter. "Now now, please be quiet. She's going to arrive soon," he said, getting off of the desk he was sitting on, walking up to the door, strategically standing next to it.

As if on que, the door opened, Dazai being completely hidden behind it. Yuan walked inside the room, a small gasp escaping her lips at the sight of the tied up teacher in front of her. The teacher cried, trying to warn the girl, but it was too late. Dazai came out from his hiding place, quietly locking the door with a cold smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he said, startling Yuan. The girl turned around, her face paling at the sight of the boy. Dazai continued to walk towards the teacher, extending and retracting the blade of the boxcutter. The girl stumbled away from him, trying to scream but no sounds being able to exit her throat. She was frozen in fear at the sight in front of her.

Dazai calmly pulled the teacher by the hair so that he was right in front of the girl, putting the blade to his neck with a satisfied grin on his face. The teacher cried and shook his head, desperately trying to get away, but his restraints wouldn't let him. Yuan stared at Dazai and she suddenly understood everything. She underestimated The demon prodigy. She thought he wouldn't catch on to her plan, but she was so incredibly stupid. Tears started dripping down her cheeks, her entire body shaking with fear.

"You know, you really shouldn't discus such important plans right in the middle of the hallway. What if somebody heard you?" Dazai asked her, his grin widening at the shocked look on Yuan's face.

"T-That's... I didn't-" she struggled to form a sentence, but Dazai's cold gaze made her close her mouth.

"You should've known better than to mess with what's mine. Now you'll pay the price for it," he said, swiftly moving his right arm and slitting the teacher's throat. Blood sprayed in front of him, reaching Yuan and staining her clothes and skin with a bright shade of scarlet. The only place where the blood reached Dazai was on his hands -or his gloves, to be more precise. Besides that, he didn't get a single drop of blood on him, since he slit his throat from behind. Of course, that was his intention all along.

Yuan screamed as the lifeless body of the teacher fell to the ground, a puddle of blood quickly forming under him. She stumbled backwards, her back hitting the wall behind her as she watched Dazai. There was no emotion on his face. His eyes were a cold, bottomless void of nothingness. He just killed a man but he had no reaction whatsoever. Then, Yuan knew. She knew that everything she heard about him was true. He was a monster. And that monster was out for her blood.

Then, an innocent smile appeared on Dazai's face. He leaned against the desk, pointing towards the door with the tip of his blade. "You should get going. I left the key in the door," he calmly said.

It took Yuan a minute to process his words, but then she dashed towards the door, unlocking it and running outside of the office. Dazai stared at the door, his smile disappearing. Then his gaze shifted to the dead body laying in front of him. "It's still the same as before, huh?" he laughed a humorless laugh as he got up and started walking towards the back of the room.

He took off the cover of the vent, jumping up and entering it. He put the cover back and began crawling through the vent. When he first came here, he saw a map of the entire building at he entrance and he noticed that you could pretty much get anywhere through the vents if you knew the exact turns you needed to take. So he memorized that entire map in case he ever needed it.

After crawling for a while, he reached another vent opening. He took off the cover and jumped down in Yuan's room. Thankfully, she wasn't here yet. Dazai figured she would probably try to hide away somewhere.

He put the boxcutter under Yuan's pillow. Then, he took off his blood covered gloves. No, not his gloves. Yuan's gloves. The ones he stole from the yard a while ago when she dropped them. Every student only had one pair of gloves, so he couldn't use his. He carefully placed them in the drawer of her desk, not getting any blood on his fingers.

After that, he climbed back in the vent, crawling to his room. Chuuya wasn't in there, just like he asked him. Dazai smiled as he walked out in the hallway, already hearing the police sirens in the distance. He walked to the library, Chuuya anxiously waiting for him in there. Oda just glanced at Dazai, nodding his head.

"You bastard! What took you so long? Are you ok?" the redhead asked, rushing towards Dazai.

The bandaged boy smiled at him, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace. "I'm ok. Let's go back to our room and I'll explain everything," he whispered.

As he expected, when they exited the library, the halls were roaming with people. Teachers, students, the police. Chuuya stared at everyone with a confused expression on his face, but Dazai simply grabbed his hand and quietly lead him to their room.

Once they reached it, Chuuya turned to him with a questioning look. "Start explaining," he demanded.

Dazai sat down on their bed, crossing his arms. "I killed one of the teachers and framed Yuan," he simply stated.

Chuuya's face fell. "You what?! Are you insane? What if you get caught?"

Dazai laughed. "I won't get caught. I did a pretty good job," he said, trying to cease Chuuya's worries, but the redhead still had a concerned look on his face.

"Why a teacher though?" he asked.

The bandaged boy sighed. "I knew him from before. He was involved with my father. He bought drugs from him, but he was also involved in human trafficking. He was a rapist and a pedophile. And I just so happened to overhear when he asked Yuan to meet him in his office today. Who knows what he would have done to her if I wasn't there?" he explained, an unbothered look on his face.

Chuuya sat down next to him, putting his hand on his back in a comforting manner. "But what if the police still come here to check on you? If they find Yuan, she will definitely tell them you were the one who killed him," he said, his voice filled with worry.

Dazai let out a soft laugh, ruffling Chuuya's hair. "Oh, they'll come here. Probably right about now," just as he said those words, their door flew open, three police officers standing there, two of them holding Yuan. "That's it! That's him," the girl screamed.

One of the police officers entered the room, beginning to look through their things without explaining anything. Neither of the two boys said anything as they watched him. Chuuya just grabbed Dazai's hand and gently caressed it with his thumb.

After about ten minutes, the officer sighed. "There's nothing here," he said. Just after he said those words, two more police officers rushed towards them, holding two plastic bags containing the bloody gloves and the boxcutter. "We found these in her room," one of them said.

"You're in trouble now, girl," the police officer that searched their room said. "You were the only one seen on the cameras who entered and exited the office, you're covered in blood and now we found these in your room. Take her away," he instructed the officers who were holding her.

She screamed and cried, accusing Dazai of framing her, but no one listened to her anymore.

The two boys stood in the hallway, watching her being dragged away.

"You... You really did it," Chuuya breathed out in amazement.

"We still have one more place to go to," Dazai said, taking Chuuya's hand in his and beginning to walk towards Shirase's room.

To be continued...

Istg if I see a single Among Us joke about Dazai venting I'm going to end it all :)

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