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Chuuya stared at the boy, his thoughts a mangled mess, until the smoke from the cigarette between his lips entered his mouth, going down his throat, making him cough. The redhead took the cigarette away from his mouth, coughing out all the smoke, Dazai's laughter filling the room.

"Dickhead," Chuuya mumbled under his breath after he finally managed to stop coughing, putting the cigarette up to his lips once again and inhaling the smoke -this time intentionally. His annoyance only seemed to amuse Dazai even more, the boy's laughter filling Chuuya's ears, making his chest fill with a foreign feeling, heat rushing to his cheeks.

Now, annoyed with even himself, the redhead finished his cigarette, getting up from the window frame. "I'm going to class," he told Dazai, not looking back at him.

"See you there," the bandaged boy said between his laughs.

Chuuya hurried out of the library, shutting the door behind him. The second he was alone, the boy rested his back against the wall, putting a hand up to his warm cheeks while trying to catch his breath. He remembered the sudden movement of Dazai's hand, grabbing the back of his neck to pull him closer. And the way he was staring into his eyes-

Absolutely not.

Chuuya got flustered because Dazai -that asshole- was laughing at him. Of course he was. Dazai always tried to find new ways to annoy or embarrass Chuuya, and right now he just caught him off guard. That's it.

The redhead continued his walk, reaching his class. He took his usual seat near the teacher's desk and he opened the textbook. All the students had textbooks for every subject, but almost none of them used these books, since the teachers didn't seem all that interested in teaching, resulting in a bunch of students that weren't interested in studying either.

From what he's heard, there were monthly exams here. Chuuya wasn't by any means stupid. Yeah, he wasn't very fond of spending hours with his nose in a math book, or an anatomy book -or any book for that matter- but he was smart enough to know that if he wanted to pass, then he had to do a little bit of studying on his own. The good thing about him was that he was a fast learner, so if he really put his mind to it, then it wouldn't take him long to learn everything he needed for these exams.

His mind wondered to Dazai. Dazai, the boy that skipped almost all of his classes and never put in any effort. He's been here longer than him, so that must mean he managed to pass all the exams up until now. Or did he simply threaten his teachers into passing him? Who knows. It's not like it's Chuuya's problem whether or not Dazai does academically well.

"Talk of the devil," Chuuya mumbled when Dazai entered the room, heading towards him. The boy sat down next to him, taking the textbook out of the redhead's hands, turning it around so he could read the cover.

"We have Chemistry? Boring," Dazai sighed, dropping the book -and his head- back on the table.

Chuuya watched as the boy comfortably rested his head on his arms, using the table as a bed and closing his eyes. "Dumbass," Chuuya rolled his eyes, turning his attention towards the teacher that just entered the classroom.

Their Chemistry teacher was no exception from the rest, meaning he had no intention of teaching. He just sat down at his desk, taking out a magazine of some sorts and beginning to read from it, not even paying attention to the "students" that were fighting, screaming and yelling. "Open your books at page 57 and read. Or don't. I don't care. This is going to be in the exam. The exam that you'll be taking next week," the teacher said, still not looking up from his magazine.

No one even bothered to say anything, they just continued to do their thing. Chuuya sighed, wishing he could be that careless and just do something else too. Instead, he turned to page 57 and began reading, trying to memorize everything.

After a while, the redhead felt uneasy-like someone was watching him.  He snapped his attention from the book, looking around for the source of his uneasiness, only to find Dazai, who was still resting his head on the table, staring at him. When the boy realized he's been caught staring he just smiled at Chuuya, not bothering to hide the fact that he was watching him.

"What do you want, mackerel?" Chuuya asked, just calling him the first thing that came to his mind, realizing how stupid it sounded only after he already said it.

Dazai softly chuckled, his smile widening, still looking at Chuuya. "Mackerel?" he asked, his smile turning into an amused smirk.

Chuuya could feel the warmth rising up to his cheeks once again, annoying him more than last time. He looked away from Dazai, turning his attention back to the page he was reading, even though he couldn't focus on any of the words written in front of him. The other boy laughed, only making Chuuya's anger rise.

"Shut up, shithead," the redhead snapped, punching Dazai in the shoulder, which only made the other boy laugh harder.

"Alright, alright, I'll let you study," the bandaged boy said after he finally stopped laughing. "I hope you do know that developing your brain won't also add a few inches to your height, right, chibi?" he added after a moment, making Chuuya lose all his patience, taking his book and slamming it shut, using it as a weapon to hit Dazai over and over again.

He would have hit him more, but the bell rang, announcing the end of class. He got up, leaving a laughing Dazai behind, and walked out of the class. On the hallway, he was greeted by Shirase, who seemed to be waiting for him.

"Hey," Chuuya said, not really feeling in the mood to hang out with him, but it was either that or staying with Dazai, so Chuuya decided to make that sacrifice.

"Wanna hang out with me and Yuan?" Shirase asked, already walking towards the yard.

Dazai wouldn't mind him staying with them, right? It's not like him and Dazai were friends or anything. Dazai made it pretty clear that he simply loved being an annoying asshole and the redhead was his easiest target since they were roommates, and Chuuya didn't feel any particular need to try to get close to his weirdo roommate.

So Chuuya just followed the white haired boy without saying anything.

To be continued...

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