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Shirase made his way from the cafeteria to his room. He was looking down at his feet as he was walking, thinking about the interaction from earlier. It was very obvious that Dazai had absolutely no intention of being their "friend", but Yuan insisted that they should keep trying -and Shirase couldn't help but feel like that was a fatal mistake.

When he reached his room, he pushed open the door, surprised by how dark it was in there. Winter was coming, so it was getting dark faster, but that's why he always left his lights open when he left his room, which is why the darkness surrounding him was making him feel uneasy.

The boy shrugged his shoulders, figuring that he might have turned off the lights when he left by mistake. He felt up the wall trying to find the light switch. When he did, he flipped it, filling the room with light. When his eyes adjusted to the sudden light, his breath caught in his throat and he stumbled backwards, hitting his back against the door.

Dazai Osamu was sitting on his bed, looking directly at him.

The bandaged boy calmly stood up, slowly walking while running one of his fingers along Shirase's desk, not looking at the boy. Neither of them said a single word, but, as he watched him move so calmly, Shirase couldn't help but get reminded of an animal -an animal that was hunting. A predator. And he was his prey.

The white haired boy gulped down the knot that was forming in his throat. He took a step away from the door, putting on his best poker face. He knew that if he showed even the slightest sign of fear or weakness, Dazai would take advantage of it.

He wasn't scared. He was absolutely terrified. He knew that not everything going around about Dazai could be true, but he also knew that most of it was. Shirase was sure of one thing: this boy was dangerous. And this boy went out of his way just to come to his room. Shirase knew this could end very very badly for him.

He managed to stop his knees from shaking, standing as tall as he could, trying -and probably failing- to put on a confident face.

"What are you doing in here?" Shirase asked, his voice slightly breaking on the last word.

Dazai slowly turned his attention from the desk to the boy, simply staring at him for a few seconds. Shirase has never been the target of his cold gaze before, but now he was. And he now understood why everyone was so afraid of him. With a singular look, Dazai managed to drain all the confidence the other boy struggled to find. The coldness of his eyes made Shirase take a step back and gulp.

Those were not the eyes of a human. They simply couldn't be. Those were the eyes of a monster. Shirase was trapped in his room with a monster.

Noticing the fear rising in the white haired boy, a smiled spread across Dazai's face, his cold eyes staying the same. That eerie image would be forever stuck in Shirase's head.

"Why do you look so scared?" Dazai asked, walking towards Shirase as his eerie smile grew wider.

The boy was backed up against his door, watching as Dazai stopped in front of him.

"What do you want?" Shirase managed to choke out the question.

Dazai slightly cocked his head to the side, as if he was thinking about what he should say next. "Stay away from Chuuya," he finally said, his expression colder than ever, making a chill run up Shirase's spine.

The other boy processed his words, and a new wave of confidence rushed through him. "We're his friends. You can't make us stop talking to him. Chuuya wouldn't want that," Shirase said, looking into Dazai's eyes as a sign of defiance.

But that confidence was shattered in a second as Dazai stepped closer to him, grabbing him by the collar and staring directly in his eyes with an even more terrifying look. If it was possible, the coldness in his eyes was replaced by something else. Something even worse. His eyes were filled with a darkness that made Shirase cower in fear. If he had any doubts before, then now he was absolutely sure: those were the eyes of a killer -of something that was no longer human.

"I could kill you right now if I wanted. You wouldn't be the first person whose life I squeezed out of them. And you know that no one would hold me accountable for it. Oh, and of course, you also wouldn't want anything bad to happen to those dear to you, right?" Dazai gave Shirase a terrifying smile as he said those words, and the boy knew that he wasn't joking. "I hope I made myself clear," he said, letting go of Shirase's collar and exiting his room just as suddenly as he entered.

Shirase buckled to his knees, gasping for air and trying to calm his racing heart.

Two days have passed since that day. Chuuya didn't see Dazai that much, but he did see Yuan and Shirase. But now the redhead wanted to see Dazai. He also wanted to punch him in the face. Shirase told Chuuya what had happened in his room, and he was absolutely enraged with Dazai. That's why he was waiting for him in the reading area.

The bandaged boy came shortly after, walking up to Chuuya with an amused grin on his face. "Missed me? Is that why you asked me to come here, chibi?" he joked, but Chuuya simply stared at him with his angry azure eyes, making Dazai's smile drop as he realized this was something serious.

"Shirase told me what you did," Chuuya simply stated.

"Of course he did," Dazai sighed, rolling his eyes.

The redhead got up from the window ledge walking up to his roommate and pushing him in the chest, making his stumble backwards, only to grab him by his shirt's collar and slam him against the wall behind them, staring him in the eyes with burning anger. "Who the fuck gives you the right to decide who I can hang out with?" Chuuya said through gritted teeth, his entire body shaking with anger.

Dazai calmly looked down at him, which made Chuuya ever angrier. "You shouldn't stay with them," he simply replied.

Chuuya laughed a humorless laugh. "And why should I listen to you?" he asked, his eyes burning with even more anger, "You, the person that people call -The demon prodigy-. Why the fuck would I listen to someone like you?" the redhead continued, his voice filled to the brim with venom.

Dazai's eyes widened in surprise for a second, but his expression quickly switched to the calm one he was wearing before, only now his eyes were filled with a darkness that Chuuya had never seen before. "Don't call me that," Dazai said.

Chuuya slammed him against the wall even harder, letting go of his collar and taking a step back, panting from how angry he was. "I'll call you whatever the fuck I want! That's what everybody calls you anyways. You can keep being The demon prodigy and act all though, but that shit won't work on me. Just stay the fuck away from me, Dazai. And don't you dare try and threaten Shirase or Yuan anymore," Chuuya yelled, storming out of the library when he was done, leaving Dazai alone in the reading area.

The bandaged boy slumped against the wall, looking down at the floor with an emotionless look in his eyes.

"The demon prodigy, huh?" Dazai whispered under his breath, letting out a humorless laugh, closing his eyes and resting his head against the window frame.

To be continued...

Hi! If you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote it! :P

I sprinkled in a lil bit of angst<3 Expect more LMFAO

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