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Chuuya walked back into his room, finding Dazai already in there, sitting at the desk and reading a book. The redhead looked at him, the things he was told earlier coming back in his mind. Could they really be true? Could Dazai, his annoying roommate that was just casually reading a book right now, be such a scary and dangerous person?

Hell, why was he just standing there, contemplating what is the truth and what is not when he could just ask him about it? It's not like Chuuya was afraid of him. Plus, if what Yuan told him was true, then pretty much everyone in this school knows these rumors, so what does it matter if he knows them too? It's only normal he's curious now.

The boy started walking towards Dazai, determined to talk to him about the things he was told, but, before he could even take one step in his direction, the taller boy suddenly stood up, turning around so that he was facing Chuuya. "So? What did they tell you about me?" he asked Chuuya, an amused smile plastered on his face. "Did they tell you about how I'm such a big and scary guy?" he laughed, sitting up on the side of the desk and waiting for Chuuya to start talking.

"Well, at least you're self aware," the shorter boy rolled his eyes, unsure about how Dazai even knew that he talked to Yuan and Shirase about him. "Yeah, that's pretty much what they told me," he said, now waiting for Dazai to say something.

The brunette looked at him for a second before he started laughing. "So what horrible things did they tell you I did? Come on, I could basically feel you deciding whether or not to ask me about it when you entered the room," he told Chuuya, making the boy feel a little embarrassed because he was caught red handed.

He sat down on the edge of Dazai's bed so that he was closer to him. "They told me you got into a lot of fights and that you killed one of the guys. And they also told me you stabbed someone in the eye with a pencil," he said, crossing his arms and looking up at the other boy.

Dazai looked overly amused by this entire situation, but he managed to hold in the laugh that was bubbling up in his throat. "I'm not such a heartless person," he faked feeling hurt, putting a hand up to his heart and closing his eyes in a dramatic manner, "I didn't kill that guy. I just locked him in one of the storage rooms in the basement. I mean, yes, that storage room was almost never checked on and no one would hear him in there, but I'm pretty sure someone must have found him in there. I'm not sure though, I haven't checked it since then," Dazai told Chuuya, smiling, his eyes lit up with amusement.

Chuuya frowned, not sure if he was joking or not. "What about the other one? Aren't you gonna deny stabbing someone in the eye?"

"Oh, I actually did that one. There's probably still a pencil with an eye on it somewhere around this building. Let me know if you find it. I think the guy that lost it probably wants it back," Dazai said in a casual tone, like he just said the most normal thing. Chuuya considered a lot of questionable things normal, but stabbing someone's eye out with a pencil was not one of them.

"Thanks for the offer, but I would rather not go around looking for eye skewers," the redhead cringed at the thought, getting up from Dazai's bed and climbing up to his own.

"Is there anything else they told you?" Dazai suddenly asked, making Chuuya stop halfway up his ladder. The way in which he asked the question gave Chuuya the impression that he already knew what else they told him and that he was just waiting for him to ask about it. However, the coldness in his voice, all amusement gone from it, was enough for Chuuya to decide not to question him about why he was sent here.

"No," the boy answered, climbing up in his bed.

He heard Dazai getting in his bed too, followed by a few minutes of silence.

"Let's skip the first class tomorrow," Dazai suddenly said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Unless you're scared of me now," he chuckled. "You're free to run away if you want to," the boy joked, but a certain sadness laced in his voice made Chuuya believe that he was serious. Serious and fearful. Fearful that he might actually take up that offer and run away from Dazai. It was as if the boy was so used to people staying away from him that he couldn't believe someone might not want to. And, for some reason, that upset Chuuya.

"As if," Chuuya cut Dazai off. "Like I would be scared of a bandage-wasting-device like you," he said, not being able to stop himself from smiling when he heard Dazai laugh from bellow him.

"Good night, slug," the boy said.

Chuuya didn't answer. He just let out a soft laugh before turning on his side and falling asleep.

The next morning, the two boys snuck out of their room at 7, walking past all the classrooms and heading directly towards the library. Since classes didn't start yet, the library was locked. Chuuya was disappointed and ready to walk back to their room, but Dazai pulled out a set of keys from his back pocket, unlocking the door.

"Where did you get those from?" the redhead asked as they entered the room, locking it behind them.

The bandaged boy walked over to the desk in the room, opening a small notebook and taking a pen, writing "We're in the reading room" on the first page. Then, he crouched down, messing with the lock on one of the drawers, managing to open it. He took out a pack of cigarettes that was in there, taking out two.

"I usually skip morning classes, but Oda doesn't come here until 9, so he left me a spare pair of keys. He just told me to let him know if I'm in here," he said, pointing to the notebook he left open on the desk.

Chuuya just nodded, unsure why Oda would entrust a pair of keys to Dazai, but that wasn't his problem. The two of them walked into the reading room, sitting down on the window ledge like last time.

Dazai tossed Chuuya one of the cigarettes, lighting his own with a lighter from his pocket. The redhead put the cigarette between his lips, "Give me the lighter," he said, but the other boy put it back in his pocket, annoying Chuuya. "I said, give me the li-" Chuuya didn't get to finish his sentence. Dazai grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer to him, their faces inches apart. He looked directly into Chuuya's eyes as the tip of their cigarettes met, the fire spreading from one to the other.

After smoke started coming from Chuuya's cigarette, Dazai leaned away from him, resting against the window. Chuuya just stared at him, barely processing what had just happened. "My lighter ran out of fuel," Dazai told him, a dumb smirk appearing on his face as Chuuya continued to stare at him.

To be continued...

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