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Every single thought that Chuuya had in his mind melted the second Dazai's lips were pressed against his. All the anger, the annoyance -he momentarily forgot everything, his only coherent thought being how perfect their lips felt together. His back was pressed against the bathroom door, Dazai's body pressed against his. The bandaged boy grabbed Chuuya's face with both of his hands, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead on his, looking in Chuuya's eyes as they both tried to catch their breath.

Chuuya's knees almost buckled under Dazai's gaze. He was looking at him as if he was the only person on Earth right now. His brown eyes stared deep into his own, making it seem as if nothing else mattered anymore.

Chuuya couldn't help but notice the way his sharp eyes seemed to see through everything; see right into the depths of his soul, figuring him all out. And that scared him. No, it didn't scare him. It terrified him. It terrified him in the best way possible.

Dazai's right hand dropped from his face to his waist, pulling him even closer for a second kiss, but that was when reality finally hit Chuuya. The redhead put his hand up, pushing Dazai's face away in a clumsy attempt to regain control of the situation.

"Bathroom! I wanted to use the bathroom, you shithead," Chuuya rushed inside the bathroom, locking the door behind him as he felt his face turn a few shades brighter.

The boy crouched down in front of the door, burying his face in his knees. His head was a mess. His heart was beating way too fast and his body pumped with adrenaline both from the fight and from the kiss.

The kiss.

"Oh God," Chuuya thought, his face getting even redder. "What the fuck was that," the redhead groaned under his breath, feeling more confused than ever.

This was bad. Really bad.

He pressed his head against the door, putting his index finger up to his lips. He could still feel Dazai's lips moving against his. Chuuya has never kissed anyone before, but this was how he had always imagined it would feel.

The boy just sat there for a few minutes, catching his breath and calming down his racing heart. When the moment finally passed, Chuuya's logical nature took back control and the conclusion he reached wasn't the one he had hoped for.

"That bastard," Chuuya growled as he got up from the floor. "He knew that I was about to cuss him out because I was angry, so he did this just to take me by surprise and shut me up," he could feel his anger resurfacing. The anger from earlier, but also a new type of anger. It was almost as if Chuuya wished Dazai didn't kiss him just to get out of that situation, but because he wanted to.

He opened the door and walked out of the bathroom, not sparing a second glance at Dazai, who was now laying in his bed, seemingly waiting for his roommate to come back.

Chuuya climbed the latter up to his bed, ignoring the shuffling noise under him. "Chuuya," Dazai said from bellow. "Chuuya, I want to talk to you."

The redhead rolled his eyes, covering himself with his blanket. "I don't want to talk to you. Talk to yourself," he said, closing his eyes and deciding to ignore anything else his roommate might say from now on.

"Chuuyaaaaaaa, don't ignore me," Dazai whined.

Chuuya snapped his eyes open as he started to feel something hitting his bed from bellow. "I'm going to keep hitting your bed and annoy you until you agree to talk to me," Dazai said.

The boy continued to hit the bed above him with his legs, making Chuuya even angrier. "You childish bastard-" the redhead's sentence was stopped when the mattress underneath him suddenly collapsed -collapsed with him still on it, of course.

Chuuya looked up at his now empty bedframe and heard a groan under him. "Get... Off... Me... I can't... Breathe..." the redhead got up and took the mattress off of Dazai, who fell victim to his own stupid childish attempt at annoying Chuuya.

"You broke my fucking bed, you bandaged bitch," Chuuya screamed as he launched at Dazai, finally having had enough of his bullshit.

Right as his hand was around Dazai's throat, the door to their room opened, one of the night guards poking his head inside. "What in the..." the guard fully opened the door, staring at the two boys that were at each other's throats -well, ONE of them at least. "What did you do?" he asked them.

Chuuya let go of his roommate's neck, giving him one last angry stare (to which Dazai just gave an apologetical smile in return). "He broke my bed," Chuuya simply stated.

The guard looked from one to the other, confused by this entire situation. "Oh," was all he said before silence filled the room for a few moments. "Uhm, we'll send someone to repair it in a few days. Until then, don't break anything else or there will be consequences," the guard left the room and closed the door behind him, leaving the two boy alone once again.

"We can share my bed," Dazai said from behind Chuuya, making him snap his attention back to him.

"Do you want to fucking die, you dickhead?" Chuuya threatened, feeling tired and angry and definitely not wanting to put up with his roommate anymore.

"Yes, actually. How kind of you to offer to do my job for me, chibi. I was thinking that I might use a noose or steal some pills from the infirmary, but it would be much easier if you-"

Chuuya grabbed Dazai by his collar and threw him on the ground.

"You're sleeping on the floor, you suicidal maniac," the redhead said as he threw a pillow and a blanket at Dazai's face.

"You're so mean," Dazai complained, fake whining just to try to make Chuuya feel bad for him.

"Be thankful I gave you a pillow and a blanket, mackerel," the redhead snapped back, turning his back to his roommate and closing his eyes in his second attempt to get some sleep.

Nobody else said anything for the next few minutes, the only sounds in the room being their breaths, but then Dazai broke the silence. "I want you to come somewhere with me tomorrow. I have to show you something important."

To be continued...

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