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Hell wouldn't even begin to describe how Chuuya's day went. Dazai followed the boy the entire time, annoying him with stupid comments and remarks. The only moments of peace Chuuya had were the classes that they didn't share. Which weren't many; only two, to be precise. Nonetheless, Chuuya cherished those moments of silence free of Dazai.

When the bell rang for the last time that day, announcing the end of biology class (one of the two classes that Chuuya and Dazai didn't share), the redhead hurried out of the class, desperate not to run into his annoying roommate again. That, and the fact that he was starving. And he didn't exactly know where the cafeteria was, so he had to hurry if he wanted to actually eat something.

Thankfully, it didn't take him long to find the cafeteria. The big room was already filled with boys and girls, all of them sitting at different tables, two of the biggest ones being occupied by what seemed to be the group of people that thought they run the place. They were making fun and fighting with the smaller or weaker students, obviously trying to intimidate other people and to seem stronger than they actually were. Chuuya wasn't impressed by all of this. He's been in enough rough spaces to know people like that. People that used force to get their way, being at the top of the hierarchy.
Chuuya assumed that during lunch the boys and the girls could stay together, considering the fact that for the entirety of the day he didn't see a single girl. The school was probably separated in two parts, one for the boys and one for the girls.

However, his luck didn't last long. The boy felt an arm wrap around his shoulders, startling him out of his thoughts. He didn't even have to look at who that arm belonged to. He could basically sense the smug look on Dazai's face.

"Chuuya! I've been looking for you everywhere. Why didn't you wait for me?" Dazai faked being hurt by being abandoned by the shorter boy, dragging him towards the food stalls.

Chuuya pushed Dazai's arm away, trying his best not to kick him across the room. "Yeah, and you should have gotten the hint to fuck off and leave me alone," he snapped.

Dazai just laughed. "Oh, come on, stop being so mean. You know you'll never find someone else like me," Dazai teases Chuuya, slinging his arm over the shorter boy's shoulder once again.

"Thank God," Chuuya replies, rolling his eyes while trying to push Dazai away.

After bickering for the entire time they were waiting for their turn to take their food, the boys sat down at one of the empty tables. Chuuya was trying his best to ignore Dazai and just eat his food, but the taller boy just kept talking, half of the time not even making sense.

The second he finished his food, Chuuya got up from the table, too tired to go outside like the rest of the students. After lunch, they always had a free period in which they could stay outside. But, to his annoyance, Dazai also got up.

"Chuuyaaa," he called after him, using that annoying singing voice he sometimes used just to annoy the other boy.

Chuuya always had problems controlling his anger. And he thought he was doing pretty well, considering the fact that Dazai was still in one piece after annoying him all day. But everyone has a limit. And Chuuya just reached his.

The boy suddenly turned around, grabbing Dazai by the collar. "Just shut the fuck up already, you annoying bastard!" he screamed in his face, shaking with anger.

The entire cafeteria went silent, the only sound in Chuuya's ears being his own breath. It seemed like no one was moving a muscle, everyone just staring at the two of them.

After a few seconds of unbearable silence passed, Dazai's amused laughter filled the room, startling even Chuuya. "Calm down, slug. I just wanted to give you this," he said, holding a small box of milk in front of Chuuya's face, an annoying smile on his face.

He stared at the box of milk, then back at his roommate's face. The redhead pushed Dazai away, making the boy burst out laughing again. He turned around and left the cafeteria, going straight to their room, praying that Dazai won't come after him again and he would just leave him alone. He was determined to sleep before having to see his annoying face again.

And so he did. Chuuya woke up the next day, staring at the clock on the wall. It was 6:30 in the morning, so he didn't have to get out of bed yet. He closed his eyes once again, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep before heading to his first class. Then, he heard shuffling bellow him. Dazai got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Chuuya counted the minutes in his head. One. Two. Three... Fifteen.

He opened his eyes, cursing under his breath in an annoyed matter. He jumped out of his bed, not even bothering to use the ladder. He banged his fist against the bathroom door. "Oi, you bastard! Get the fuck out of the bathroom. You're not the only one that has to use it," Chuuya shouted.

A shuffling sound came from the other side, then the door swung open, Dazai walking out. "Well, good morning to you too, Chuuya," he said, an annoying smile on his face.

Chuuya rolled his eyes, staring at the boy. He noticed what looked like some new bandages covering his skin. "The fuck were you doing in there?" he asked, letting his curiosity get the best of him.

Dazai stared at him with the same smile, something in his eyes changing. Chuuya felt a chill run up his spine staring at the look in his eyes. They were... colder. "Sorry about that, I just fell asleep," Dazai laughed, making Chuuya look away from his eyes. The taller boy walked back to his bed, getting back under the sheets.

"Aren't you gonna start getting ready?" Chuuya asked him.

"We don't have any classes together today and I don't feel like going. I'll just sleep for a while longer," Dazai responded. After a moment of silence he added, "Aww, don't tell me you'll miss me," laughing.

"Fuck off, you waste of bandages," Chuuya rolled his eyes, slamming the bathroom door shut.

When he got out, Dazai had his back turned to him and he was indeed sleeping. The boy spared one last glance at him before walking to his first class, thanking the universe for giving him a Dazailess day.

To be continued...

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