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When Chuuya walked to his room later that evening, Dazai wasn't in there. The boy figured his roommate was probably in the library or somewhere else in this building. Not like he cared. He was tired and his mind was filled with more questions about Dazai Osamu. Chuuya deduced that the boy had to be pretty smart in order to threaten and blackmail the teachers (and students, probably), but a genius? Really?

The redhead was determined not to spare another second thinking about his annoying roommate, so he climbed up in his bed and completely covered himself with the way too thin blanket, separating himself from the outside world, creating his own little cocoon of warmth. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.

When he woke up, a pair of brown eyes was staring at him. The boy recoiled in surprise, hitting his back against the wall. Chuuya grabbed a pillow and threw it at Dazai's face, the other boy catching it in his hand and laughing.

"Good morning, Chuuya," Dazai said through his laughter, letting the pillow he caught fall to the ground.

"Go to hell, you social misfit," the redhead snapped, trying to calm down his racing heart.

The other boy burst into another fit of laughter, making Chuuya roll his eyes. "Social misfit? That's new. Did you make it your personal goal to come up with a new insult for me every day?" the bandaged boy teased his roommate as he was getting down from his bed.

"No, but thank you for the idea," Chuuya answered as he slammed the bathroom door shut.

Per usual, the bandaged boy followed Chuuya all day long, never failing to annoy him every chance he got. Chuuya didn't know how he didn't die from embarrassment yet. And no, he was definitely not exaggerating.

For example, during biology class, Dazai suddenly got up from his seat besides Chuuya, startling the entire class. Then, he walked up to the teacher, sitting on the side of his desk. "Hey, teach," the boy said. "You're a biology teacher, so you know a lot about anatomy, don't you?" the teacher nodded his head. "So, when does the human body usually stop growing?" he asked, and Chuuya cringed internally as he could see where this was going.

"At around 18 or 20," the teacher answered, looking visibly confused, but too scared not to answer Dazai's questions.

The boy turned around, looking directly at Chuuya. "Then why is this slug not growing any taller?" he asked, not being able to hide his amused smirk.

That was Chuuya's last straw. He got up and grabbed the pair of scissors that were on the teacher's desk, rushing towards Dazai. The bandaged boy jumped off the desk, dashing towards the blackboard. Chuuya held the scissors tightly, swinging, obviously aiming for Dazai's head. The other boy dodged just in time, the scissors stabbing the blackboard, a few millimeters away from his head.

Dazai stared at Chuuya's angry face, who was only a few inches away from his own and he couldn't help but smile. "Not bad, chibi. Next time make sure you don't miss," he said, seemingly only half joking.

"You bet your ass I won't fucking miss your annoying face next time, you fucking bastard," the redhead snapped, trying to pull the scissors from the blackboard, but they were stuck.

"M-My blackboard! That's the second one that got stabbed by a pair of scissors because of you! B-Both of you, GET OUT," the teacher yelled from behind them, looking like it took all his courage to tell them that.

And that's only biology class. Dazai did something like this every single class. Chuuya stopped himself from stabbing any more blackboards though.

So, when all their classes were over, Chuuya was basically fuming. And he was hungry. Really hungry. Which made him even more irritable. And Dazai was not helping. At all.

A fight was in full display when they entered the cafeteria, a kid getting the absolute shit beaten out of him on the floor by a bigger, older guy. A crowd formed around them, cheering or booing. Neither Chuuya nor Dazai payed any attention to the fight. For all that they cared, the fight meant that there were more empty seats where they could sit.

The two boys sat down at a table in the far back of the cafeteria. Chuuya was trying his best to just eat and ignore Dazai, who continued rumbling about god knows what. His head was pounding and he was getting very close to trying to stab Dazai. Again.

The boy suddenly stopped talking, making Chuuya look up from his food. Opposite from him, Yuan and Shirase were sitting. The girl was looking at the fight, nodding her head in disapproval.

"They're like animals," she sighed, turning her attention back to the people sitting around her.

"I doubt you're any different," Dazai said, Chuuya turning his attention towards him, only to see the boy staring at Yuan with the same cold gaze he had on the last time they met. A chill went up Chuuya's spine.

"Excuse me?" Yuan asked, stopping with the hand that she held her spoon with midway to her mouth, staring at Dazai.

"Nothing! He said nothing," Chuuya nervously said, not wanting another fight to break out in the cafeteria. A fight that Dazai would obviously win.

"Oh," Yuan said, putting the food in her mouth.

"How are you doing?" Shirase asked Chuuya, obviously trying to change the subject, which Chuuya was very much thankful for.

"I'm f-" the redhead didn't get to finish his answer.

"Why are you sitting here?" Dazai suddenly asked, his voice icy, deserted of any emotion.

Everyone at the table stared at him for a few seconds, unsure of how to answer. Dazai held Yuan and Shirase's gazes with an intimidating -almost terrifying- look.

"Oh, uhm... We're Chuuya's friends," Yuan said, trying to stop her voice from breaking, managing to make it sound steady. "We met yesterday when you brought Chuuya his coat. He's Shirase and I'm Yuan," she said, stretching out her hand across the table, waiting for Dazai to shake it, but he just continued to stare at her with the same cold gaze. After a few seconds, she retracted her hand. "We, uhm, we thought that it would be nice if we became friends with you too, since you seem to be close to Chuuya," she continued.

Silence surrounded them, no one saying a single word. The only noise around them was the fight that was still happening, no teacher seeming interested in stopping it. Dazai slightly cocked his head to the side, staring at Yuan with an intensity that made her shrink in her seat. Even though that look wasn't directed towards him, Chuuya couldn't help but also lean away from Dazai.

Out of nowhere, the bandaged boy got up from his seat, turning towards Chuuya. The redhead was taken aback, staring up at his roommate with big eyes. "I'm tired. I'll wait for you in our room," Dazai said, not waiting for a response before he walked away from the table, leaving the three of them.

But Dazai lied. He was not going to their room. He was heading towards Shirase's room.

To be continued...

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