~| Day 2: Red |~

660 26 7

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Worldswap (Will be a book very soon), in which Sabre came from a world similar to MineCraft and the Steves replace humans here on Earth.

Context: Red Steve looking back on the past while Orange is in town, helping Sabre adjust to their world.


[Red Steve's POV]

...I still look back on those days, when I was younger, being friends with all of them.

That lab we all worked in may be known as a house of horrors now, but before the accident, it was almost like a second home to me. Even though I wasn't allowed to work on the projects as most of my friends did, it was fun just being in the same room. I always had a lot of fun messing around with my friends who were security guards, like the Obsidian Steves that lived in the area and took jobs there...

And now I'm here, in Sunset Shores, living away from my friends and within the town that's mostly made up of Orange Steves. I don't mind it, but... well, how the mighty fall. My new job at that coffee shop might be high-paying for such a store, but these days I still have to work so often just to give Orange a better life... I wish I had more time for him.

I feel bad that I haven't been spending time with him, considering how he's the closest thing I have to a son, and how his father had trusted me with him when he died all those years ago. I just... I'm so busy all of the time at work at different jobs, and he has school... maybe we could hang out together more often once school lets out in a week or two. I think he'd like that.

I sigh and put the old scrapbook back into my old lockbox, and then slide the lockbox back in its place under my bed. I don't need Orange knowing I was part of that whole mess. It'll just add to the chaotic spiral his life has become since we found Sabre in our yard, and he's still a kid. He shouldn't be worrying about this stuff. He should get to enjoy his earlier years... like I didn't get to.

I was only 20 when I took him in, and didn't really know what I was doing, but I wanted to keep the promise I made with his dad. I left that job field for him, so he could have a life that wasn't filled with all of that dimensional junk that ruined mine.

I then hear the phone ring, knowing it's one of my friends, and I get up from sitting on my bed and walk down the hall towards the living room. I still keep in contact with the ones that survived the incident; My four best friends, the old town leaders, heck, even my old boss. Even though they all have their own scars, just as I do, we still push past everything and try to leave that life behind as much as we can.

I pick up the phone once I get to it, and hear a familiar voice on the other end of the line.

"Heya, buddy! Sorry to bother you in the middle of the day, but I need you in Rose Hills for an hour or two. I found something about the... favor you asked me for."

"Oh, hey there Professor Red. Yeah, I'll be right over, just gotta leave a note for Orange and his friend when he gets back. Thanks for keeping it under wraps."

"That's what friends are for, pal. See you in 30? Also, you're basically like a brother, you can cut the formal crap already."

"Heh, okay then, bud. Yep, see you in 30, Goggles... as long as that piece of junk car doesn't crap out again."

"You really need to get a new one, dude."

"Shush, I'm trying here."

"Hah, alright alright. Later."

The phone hangs up. I place the landline back down on the receiver and go to grab my keys from the kitchen table.

Some things from that past still resurface, never really forgotten, but... I'm lucky it's only the good parts.

I lock up the house before I leave, and then I'm off to see an old colleague of mine.


Hehehe, Red Steve isn't truly the character you all think he is :3

And no guesses, I keep having plot guessers spoil stuff in the comments >:^

No offense though, you guys are just better detectives than my lore can handle -_-

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