~| Day 27: Light |~

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Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Remembrance (Sabre has always remembered he created Origin and all that, and at the time RQ started he altered himself from his normal form to one that the Overworld could handle so he could go down and be in the Realm. After the loop reset event however, beings known as the Cursed Ones find out that the True First Creator had turned himself into a mortal, and begin hunting him down. They don't know it's Sabre. Now he, Time, and Light are in danger because the Cursed Ones would do almost anything to avenge their fallen master and kill the True Creator)

Context: Sabre warning Light about the Cursed Ones after a meeting regarding them.


[Sabre's POV]

Just after the meeting ends and everyone else has headed back, I quickly get Light's attention and walk over to him.

"What is it, Sabre?" He asks.

"Light, I do know things about those guys, but it's related to what happened with the loop a while ago." I say.

"Wait, what?!" Light says quietly, knowing the secrecy of the topic. "Why didn't you say anything earlier?!"

"Because if I did, they'd know who I am." I reply. "They're seriously dangerous, Light. Even for you. And right now, they're trying to find the True First Creator."

"But that would be-" Light starts.

"I know, I know. But it's not just that that makes them dangerous." I interrupt. "Light, these guys are insane. They will stop at nothing to get a lead on who the True Creator is, and once they do find someone that knows... terrible things would happen to them."

Light stays silent for a moment, figuring out what I'm trying to say. I have to be cryptic about it, just in case.

"...Oh no." Light says, realizing.

"Yeah. You and him are in danger too." I say. "So you gotta be extremely careful about this. Whatever it takes, whatever you do, don't let it slip. It might cost lives."

"I won't. I promise you." Light says, nodding. "But you be safe too, alright?"

"I will."

We then quickly leave. You never know who's watching or listening.


That was really short, sorry guys! I just didn't have much of an idea for this prompt TwT

Sooo to make up for that, here's another thing I had for it so you're not left with such a short chapter!

AU: Prism Amalgam (from 'Blue')

Context: A bit of confusion is cleared up.


[Sabre's POV]

It's a peaceful day in the Kingdom, finally. Rainbow's happy about it too.

We're just walking through some of the towns, exploring the area since we didn't have much time to when we first moved in. Also, it'll help with learning to co-ordinate with each other's speech since people keep talking to us. We keep accidentally saying two things at once.

We were walking past the Citadel when we see Light Steve standing outside of it. It looks like he's off-duty right now, since he doesn't have his spear and armor.

"Ooh, we should go talk to Light! It's been a while!" Rainbow says happily. We talk to only each other inside our shared mind, so it doesn't look like we're talking to ourselves.

"That's a good idea." I reply.

We walk over to Light, and he looks up and greets us.

"Hey you two, what's up?" Light smiles.

"The sky!/Nothing much." Rainbow and I say at the same time.

We both freeze for a second while Light chuckles a bit.

"Still getting used to it, huh?" Light says.

"Yeah, we keep doing that by accident..." Rainbow says.

"We're working on it, though." I add.

"That's good." Light says. "Hey, I actually wanted to ask you guys something."

"What?" Rainbow and I say at the same time, again. At least it was the same word.

"Do you guys have something like... a name that refers to both of you?" Light asks. "It'd be easier than trying to say both of your names when someone's trying to get your attention."

"Oh yeah, we've had some problems with that." I say. "Sometimes, somebody calls out one of our names and only that one responds to it."

"We almost made ourselves cross-eyed." Rainbow giggles.

"Wh- Be more careful about that then, you doofuses." Light says, laughing. "Anyway, back to the question?"

"Oh! No, we don't have one." Rainbow says, and we both shrug.

"Welp, worth a shot." Light says. "Maybe I could call you both... 'Rainbre' or something, I dunno."

"Oh hey, that actually sounds cool." I say.

"Yeah, that's a good one." Rainbow adds.

"Oh." Light says, surprised. "Well, alright then."

Suddenly a Colorless Guard calls out for Light, and we say our goodbyes as he goes to deal with that and we go back to exploring the towns.

"It was nice talking to him again." Rainbow says, just to me. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, it has, all the Guard stuff is probably keeping him busy." I reply.

"Man, now I'm bored..." Rainbow sighs.

"Well, our Green Steve friend that lives outside the Kingdom said we could visit anytime." I say. "You wanna go hang out with him?"

"Oh, great idea!" Rainbow says excitedly. "Let's go!"

And with that, we start heading towards the gates so we could visit our other friend.

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