~| Day 24: Stitches |~

445 22 18

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Puppeteer (from 'Doll')

Context: Just some chill fluff :>


[Sabre's POV]

The needle goes through the fabric almost effortlessly, as I finish the final touch on my newest project.

I don't believe I've ever made a ragdoll capable of being affected by my ability, although it is a nice idea. So, I decided I wanted to try it out. The nearly complete doll sits on a stool in my workshop as I finish sewing the flower decorations onto the top hat headpiece on the headband that's sewn into the head. The small hat has a magnet in it that connects to the headband, so the doll could do a small bow while taking off the hat to give it more flare. I think that will turn out nice.

I look up as I hear familiar footsteps followed by a voice.

"Sabre, you haven't left this 'workshop' for a while, are you-" Rainbow starts, but pauses in awe at my new little friend. "Woah..."

The doll has a tan-brown color as its base, being the fabric I used for the body. Its button eyes are a bright pastel blue accented by small pink blush marks on its cheeks. Its short white hair with a blue fade at the tips matching the eyes is adorned by the top hat I mentioned, which has three felt flowers on its hat band; one purple, one pink, and one yellow. The doll also has its white and silver suit with the same-colored accents on it, the most being on the collar. Colorful stitches in the tail of the suit's coat make flower patterns. Ribbons hang off of the back of the suit. The doll has black dress shoes as well.

"Cool, right? I wanted to try something new." I say as I tie off the thread, securing it in place.

Rainbow excitedly walks closer as I take out my scissors and snip off the excess thread. I step back and admire my work next to him.

"This looks awesome!" Rainbow says. "Are you gonna bring it out to the village next time we visit?"

"That was the plan." I smile.

"Well, they'll love it!" Rainbow exclaims. "Especially all the flower things! They look so pretty!"

"Heh, thanks buddy." I say. "Wanna see me take it outside to test out its connection?"

"Sure! Need some help carrying it?" Rainbow asks.

"Nah, I got it, you can go ahead and meet me out there." I reply.

Rainbow gives a small nod and runs outside, as I walk over to my new doll. I carefully pick it up from the stool, making sure not to catch its ribbons on the edges of it. The doll is about half the size of a life-size one, which makes it easier to take it outside the workshop.

Rainbow is excitedly waiting outside, and attempts to stay still as I set the doll down on the stone. I ready my little ability, the spiral marks appearing on my hands again as the doll's button eyes begin to have a white glow.

I only slightly raise my hand up, but the doll stands in an instant, almost jumping up from the ground. Rainbow and I are startled at first, but both laugh a second after.

"Looks like since fabric isn't nearly as dense as wood, this doll is much easier to move." I say, observing how quickly the doll reacts to my commands.

"Hey, at least it looks cool!" Rainbow says as I get used to the fluid, rapid motions of the doll.

I soon get used to it, and make the ragdoll do the normal tricks I command when testing out a doll's compatibility with my power. A few flips, some simple dance steps, running and walking, small jumps, and I even get it to do some juggling with some rocks that were on the ground.

"If it wasn't for the buttons for eyes, I could almost mistake this thing for a person." Rainbow says as he watches. "It looks so real... you're good at this."

"Thanks, buddy." I smile.

We continue playing around with the doll until one of the portals go active, and I quickly set the doll back inside the workshop before leaving.


Sorry this one's a bit shorter! I have a lot of good ideas for the AU I'm using for the next prompt hehe

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