~| Day 22: Explosion |~

490 30 29

Hahaha this one's sad, also character death warning

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Tethered Souls x Doubled Crystal (Sabre and Rainbow are bound to each other, and when they both eventually die they meet up in a pocket space in the multiverse and move on to the next universe. I'll explain the other AU soon)

Context: In a universe where Rainbow survived Void, Sabre was corrupted while Rainbow was recovering. Many months later, everyone notices Sabre is fighting the control and make a plan to try and save him.


[Rainbow Steve's POV]

Darkness covers the battlefield as we all try to keep Shadow in one place.

He keeps slipping away just before we reach him, either flying or running to get some distance. We need to keep him still so Light and I can uncorrupt him and get Sabre back.

Shadow dodges another strike from Light's spear, and flies upward. I run up next to Light, seething, as we've been doing this for way too long.

"It's too late, already!" Shadow cackles from above us. "You can't get him back, Sabre is lost to the Darkness!"

"That's what you think, you burnt-looking chicken!" I yell as I dodge a fireball. Light does the same.

Light runs back up to me after I've taken cover behind a rock. We see our friends fighting some Darkness grunts in front of us. They're taking care of them so we can focus on Shadow.

"We need to think of something that'll weaken him enough." Light says, gripping his spear as fireballs shoot past us. "Anything, just something that'll get him out of the sky and stuck on the ground. You have any ideas?"

"Uhhhmm..." I mumble as I scan the area around us.

I suddenly spy a bag full of potions near us. They must've been dropped by someone amidst the fight. I quickly grab the strap of the bag and pull it towards us, opening the bag up and picking up one of the potions once it's close enough. I read the label on the bottle.

"Weakness potions! These might work!" I exclaim.

"What are those gonna do?" Light asks.

"Sabre told me a long time ago that his people aren't nearly as resistant to potion effects as we are." I explain. "If he was hit with one of them, he'd get the full effect rather than if we were hit with one, different people have different levels of resistance against them. Shadow Sabre probably still has that same weakness, since he's just Darkness controlling Sabre's body. And since these are Weakness III..."

"They're going to have one heck of an effect on him." Light smiles, catching onto my idea. "You're a dang genius, Rainbow."

"No problem, buddy." I smile back. I then hand him half of the potions that were in the bag. "Now let's bombard this jerk."

Light and I quickly rush out from behind the rock, readying to throw the potions.

"There you are!" Shadow says, seeing us running closer to him and about to throw a fireball.

"Catch, doofus!" I yell, throwing a potion the same time as Light.

The potion bottles break as soon as they touch Shadow, spilling their contents all over him.

"What was- Hgk!" Shadow yells, the effect taking hold just as he speaks.

Shadow quickly descends from the sky, as Light and I keep throwing the potions at him. Even when he's on the ground, we don't stop until we've thrown all of the potions. Running up to Shadow, Light and I ready our own powers as Shadow looks up at us with a scowl while he's on his hands and knees.

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