~| Day 11: Home |~

488 28 13

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Rescue (Sabre's people (AKA the Sky People, but the Steves know them as just humans) also live in the Steve Realm, but aren't really built for it and as a result are commonly found severely injured. However, they're all extremely skittish and untrusting to the Steves, so it's difficult for the Steves to try and help them because they can never get close enough)

Context: Orange and Red Steve had found Sabre, and taken him to Orange's house to treat his injuries and such.


[Orange Steve's POV]

"Ack- Come on! This isn't gonna hurt!" I say, holding a roll of bandages.

The human Red and I had taken back suddenly woke up while I was in the middle of changing the bandages on his arm. I had already gotten the old ones off, but he jumped off of the couch and backed into the corner of the room before I could try and calm him down.

Right now I'm trying to get close enough so I can put the new bandages over the gash, but the human keeps almost punching me whenever I start getting too close. He's holding his arm in pain, some blood from the reopened wound staining his hand.

"Orange, maybe we should back off for a bit. He seems scared." Red says, peeking around the corner.

"But if we don't wrap that cut now, it might get infected." I say, about to try again.

"I really can't convince you, huh?" Red sighs, walking out of the room. "Just don't get your eye clawed out or something."

I then turn back towards the human in the corner. I'm not sure if he's looking at me or around the room, since he has that blindfold, but once I take another step closer he freezes and starts getting defensive again. I step back, and he eases up again. I just stare for a moment, trying to think.

"What can I do to show you I'm not gonna hurt you...?" I mumble.

I place the bandages down on the living room's table, still looking at the human. He's still shaking, but since I'm not near him he's not being aggressive at the moment.

Wait- there's an idea.

I quickly pick up the blanket that was previously hanging on the nearby chair and hold it up.

"It was pretty cold outside..." I say softly. "Do you... need this?"

The human stares at me, not making a sound. I very slowly attempt to get closer again. Step by step, I'm surprised that the human hasn't swiped at me again yet. Before he has the chance to, I unfold the blanket and throw it onto the human, then hurriedly back up.

The human just looks a little confused for a moment, then grabs onto the blanket and wraps it around himself. He looks up at me, a little calmer than before.

"...Thanks." He says quietly.

"So, you do talk." I smile. "You got a name? I'm Orange Steve."

"I'm... Sabre." The human says, looking away. "Uh... nice to meet you, I guess..."

"Nice to meet you too." I reply.

Sabre then looks back over at the table, which the roll of bandages is sitting on. I take the opportunity and pick up the bandages again, and slowly start walking over to Sabre.

"I was just trying to change the bandages before, and then you freaked out." I explain. "I just want to help you. I promise."

Sabre scoots into the wall a little further as I step closer, but still seems calm. Eventually, I'm able to sit down next to him. We stay silent for a while before Sabre holds out his injured arm.

I excitedly smile and start going to work on wrapping the cut. It's about the same length of a pencil, going from his wrist to the end of his forearm. He's lucky that it wasn't on the bottom part of his arm, the one with the veins closer to the skin, or he would've bled out a while ago.

I carefully finish wrapping the bandages before long. After I tie together the loose ends, Sabre pulls his arm back and examines the bandages, almost surprised.

"See? I'm not so bad." I say, giggling.

Sabre stays quiet. Then, he looks up at me...

And he actually smiles.

"Thank you." He says, completely relaxing. He no longer seems tense at all.

"You're welcome, buddy." I answer.

Red then peeks around the corner again, and can't hide his shock. Sabre and I look at him.

"...How." Red finally says after a while. "Just... how."

I laugh, finding his expression hilarious.

"Told you I could do it." I say.

Sabre just sits there, still smiling a bit but also looking wary of Red. I understand though, he's another stranger to him. But soon enough, I know that'll change.

Who knows? Maybe someday we could eventually make Sabre feel like he's at home here.

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