~| Day 13: Tears |~

543 29 35

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Dreaded (Continuation of last prompt)

Context: Dream Steve has been temporarily revived to help with the situation. Now, along with Time, he is trying to track down Sabre within his mindscape to attempt to help him break the illusion and face his fear. Little do either of them know that it won't be that simple...


[Time Steve's POV]

"Remember, you could still be injured and such while you're here." Dream Steve says to me as we walk through Sabre's mindscape. "You are quite literally inside your friend's mind, not just projecting into it, so for both your sake and his be careful. Also, it's for the better we also make sure not to anger the other beings we've found here."

"Got it..." I say quietly, looking at the seemingly withered area.

Everything around us is a dark, muted brown color, similar to dying leaves on a plant. It's as if the strange hallway we're going through is dying as if it was alive in itself. I hope it's not usually like this.

"I take it that you two are close?" Dream asks.

"We are." I say, still observing our surroundings. Those other people we've found inside here that apparently watch over Sabre's mind had warned us that some of them might be much more hostile than they were, and to be on-guard.

"That's good. Once we find him, he'll listen to you." Dream says. "Do you know what his fear could possibly be?"

"I've seen a lot of fears haunt him, so I have an idea but don't know which one is the worst." I reply.


We suddenly hear a faint sound in front of us, like it was far away. It sounded like someone just cried out. We both freeze, staring out into the hall as the cries continue.

"...Looks like we're close." Dream Steve says after a while. I follow as he starts to walk towards the noise.

"Is that...?" I ask, recognizing the voice as we get closer.

"Likely." Dream says with a sorrowful expression, picking up on what I'm saying.

We finally reach the end of the hall, leading to an area that's seemingly made of a dark grey fog. However, it doesn't block the horrifying scene in the center of the room.

It's Sabre... but I barely recognize him.

He's surrounded by deep indigo tendrils, all grasping him as he's pretty much hanging from an invisible ceiling the tendrils lead to. His greyed-out skin is covered in scarring, a few of the scars I recognize. Some are bleeding, some are smoldering, and some look like healing injuries, however most look like severe scars. His clothes are tattered at the edges, some parts looking as if they've been burned. Mutilated stumps of wings are just barely peeking from his back. He's shaking and shuddering profusely, almost making the tendrils grabbing him shake as well.

What catches out attention is the fact that his blindfold is off. However, his eyes are nothing but purely black wells. He's sobbing, but what should be tears is a dark red substance mixed with the same purple the infection is. Too dark to be blood, but I don't know what else it could be. It's all so... unnerving.

I quickly rush over, Dream Steve following behind me. As soon as I'm close enough, I carefully grasp Sabre's shoulder and place my other hand on his face, attempting to wipe away the strange tears as he cries.

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