~| Day 9: Doll |~

494 30 40

TW: Blood

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Puppeteer (Sabre has the power to control dolls he makes, using magic strings that appear when using said power. However, the control only works if a doll has a special component, and he often leaves that component out to make dolls for others. He doesn't use his power for combat often, as he much prefers to just entertain his friends with his little gift. When he is using his power for combat though, Sabre is pretty OP, as he basically has his own army whenever.)

Context: A certain stalking bad guy wanders into the wrong place in the Hub.


[Sabre's POV]

I walk through my little workshop, happy with what I've gotten done today.

I don't mind the late nights, because it's always fun to work on these wooden dolls. Even if some people find them a bit creepy, I think they turn out beautiful. Right now, in fact, I'm finishing up the last details on one of the life-size ones that I've been working on for the past week. As I etch the last of the carved spirals into the arm, I move onto the doll's very last pieces before I can start on its outfit; its eyes. Almost always the defining start of what the doll will be themed after.

I go over to my chests full of pre-made pieces, and pluck a pair of white-painted spheres out of the one labeled 'Eyes'. As I gather my paints on my work desk, I chuckle. It's funny how the last piece I'm working on for this doll is the piece of myself I always hide.

Orange often keeps pestering me about what my eyes look like, but I've never shown him. After all, it's quite strange that there's pieces of my work replacing what I once had. Also, he wouldn't quite believe that I was able to see with them because of my own magic. If my power ever disappeared for any reason, I'd be blind in an instant.

I've just gotten the base color for the irises done when I hear something clatter to the floor behind me. I quickly drop what I was working on and turn around.

I scan the room, seeing that one of my unfinished, large dolls had been knocked over. However, there's nothing in sight that could have seemed to cause it to fall. I put down my paintbrush and sigh, walking over to the fallen doll. 

"Now how'd that happen to you, little guy?" I say quietly as I stand the doll back up.

People might find it strange that I talk to them, so I only do it when others aren't around. I don't know why I do it really, it's just... comforting to me.

I stare at the doll for a minute, taking in its details. I need to start working on this one again soon, or rather, finish fixing it. It was finished before, but it was caught in a flame while I was using it to help battle Darkness when it was attacking the Orange Village. I was able to repair most of the burn damage, but there's still some parts left. I got distracted with other projects in the middle of thinking of a new design for its tattered and singed clothing.

I smile and turn back to my work desk, picking up my paintbrush again once I'm standing in front of it once more. I pick up one of the eyes and dip my small brush into a similar color to the base, starting with the details. I spend a few minutes creating every stroke of paint on the eye with detailed elegance and care, wanting it to be perfect. After all, it's taken as much time to work on the doll as it has to get these colors of paint, with how limited the hues are here. I've had to mix all my own different shades. Nevertheless, I have my colors now, and they almost spill themselves onto the base.

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