~| Day 18: Fire |~

567 29 81

TW: Fire, burning alive, blood, mutilation, death, child death, corpses, gore (and I mean G O R E), hanging, and I guess genocide. Yeah, I'm going hardcore trauma time for this one.

Alright Willow, here. You published the next chapter of 'A Father's Love' for this =>=

I'm still not making this a conclusion tho ehehehehe ÙvÚ

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Dreaded (from 'Indigo' and 'Tears')

Context: Now with some backup, Time and Dream Steve are heading into one of the memories causing Sabre to be corrupted with the help of three of the other beings inside Sabre's mind (if it wasn't clear enough those are the Sky People lol). They enter along with Green Steve (who had volunteered to help after hearing how bad the situation is), Light, and M, but none of them are prepared for what horrors they're about to see...


[Time Steve's POV]

"I still can't believe you said that to the other Leaders." I say to M as we walk down this strange hall, accompanied by a few of the other people in Sabre's mind.

"Sabre's my friend, and I kind of owe him a lot for all he's done to help." M says, shrugging. "Some dumb worries of other people aren't gonna stop me."

"Did you really have to use that much sass, though?" Light chuckles. "I mean, I've never seen the Orange Leader look so shocked. And I've known him all my life."

"Oh come on, I wasn't being 'sassy'." M huffs.

"You kind of were though..." One of the people floating above us says, giggling as they lead the way. This one specifically has bright pink hair, and black eyes.

"You literally said 'I'm not going to be a coward', dude." Green snickers.

"Yeah, and it was hilarious to watch." Another person smiles. They look like a strange kind of mirror image, being split down the middle between black and white, with the hair and eye colors on each separate side being blue and yellow.

"Alright, alright. Enough. We're coming up to a gateway." The last strange being says, apparently one of the more serious ones. They have silvery-blue skin, and white hair matching their entirely white eyes. No pupil or anything, just white.

We all look forward to see a glowing, grey, portal-like wall in front of us, mimicking a doorway. Rather than a normal portal though, it moves like water rather than having a swirling pattern. However, against the calm grey there is dark purple hues occasionally surfacing, tendrils of the same color wrapping around the doorway's frame.

"Woah..." Green Steve gasps.

"Hm. That's actually really similar to how a Steve's memory gateways look." Dream says.

"So, even you three have no idea what memory this is?" Light asks the strange beings.

"Nope, no clue." The pink-haired being says. "That's why we're coming in with you for a bit, to make sure you're not in too much danger."

"But we can't stay for more than a few minutes, otherwise we start becoming... 'glitched', in a way." The being with white eyes adds.

"Got it." Dream answers. He then turns to us. "You guys ready?"

The four of us nod. Dream looks forward again, and we follow him and the floating beings through the gateway.

On the other side, we seem to be in some kind of castle. However, it seems recently attacked, many parts of it being destroyed. There's a slight smoke smell in the air. The greyed-out scenery doesn't mask the occasional small spots of dark red on the other side of the room.

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