~| Day 17: Blood |~

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TW: Blood and stuff for this one, obviously :^

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Horror (from 'Monster' and 'Chains')

Context: Remember how I mentioned that Sabre was turned into a carnivorous creature because of the experiments on him? Well, if you haven't read the AU chapter in that book, he has trouble being able to get food because of that, and all of the animals are mutated, which Orange didn't think it was a good idea for him to eat animals because of that. After a lot of trial and error, with Orange realizing the 'carnivorous' part, he finally has the idea to kill people (aka Steves that were total jerks) and bring them to Sabre for him to eat. This is after the first time they go through with the idea, after there was really no other choice.


[Orange Steve's POV]

It covers the Hub's floor, making it a bit more difficult for me to clean up the stains. The moonlight gives me sight of just how much of it there is.

I know I should've done a better job of making sure the body wouldn't bleed all over the place, but I was kind of in a hurry. Sabre had been getting weaker for a few days now, and I needed to get something for him quickly. I was worried he was going to die soon... it's only been a few weeks since he got here, but I'd say that we're already pretty good friends.

The idea of what I just did would be horrifying to normal people, but nothing in this world is exactly 'normal'. I wasn't too bothered with killing the guy, I've killed before and that dude was a total idiot anyway. People kill others all the time, whether it be for their own reasons or the victim was a jerk like this guy, so it's not too out of the ordinary. By the way, this has to be the most efficient way I've ever used to get rid of a body. Gone within seconds, bones and all. This idea could actually turn out going very well if Sabre's able to handle it.

I finally finish cleaning the last of the blood off of the stone brick, throwing the ruined towel into the bag I used to drag the body here. I then go over to the large barrel next to my house I've been using to throw away stuff like this, and toss the bag inside. Now that that's done with, I should check to see how Sabre's doing.

As I walk over to where Sabre's been in the woods surrounding the area, I think of how hard it's been to try and fix his... problem. I can't believe those people back where he's from went this far with the tests on him, and it's put quite a few problems in our days. After a lot of trying to find some kind of crop that Sabre could eat, and him just repeatedly getting sick every time, I finally realized that those experiments changed him to the point that he's carnivorous. I feel bad that it took me that long to realize. However, all of the animals here are extremely mutated, and I wasn't sure if that would be safe for him... so I went with the next best thing.

I reach the spot of the woods where I always find him, and just like every time Sabre's leaned against the large tree at the back of the forest. He looks up when he hears me walking over, and smiles. It cheers me up a bit to see that he's still happy despite being so emaciated.

"Hey, Orange." Sabre greets me.

"Hi Sabre! You doing alright?" I ask, hugging his arm since he's too big for me to give him an actual hug. It's hard to believe that someone could be that tall!

"Yeah, I'm doing great actually." Sabre says, smiling. "I haven't felt sick at all. In fact, I'm feeling better."

"That's great!" I exclaim, excited that we finally found something that works. "And... you're okay with the whole, uh... 'it's a person' thing?"

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