Chapter 02

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Personally, as a reader, I prefer constant updates to a story. I know I have not reached the target audience yet. But as they say, it only takes one effort. This chapter is dedicated to all those who have read this story and are waiting for the next part.

So, here we go with chapter 02. Please do vote and leave a comment if you like the story. Criticism is also welcomed.


Payal saw Khushi sitting outside looking at the sky and she went towards her. "Khushi, why do you look so sad? Did something happen? Has someone said anything? Was it, Aunty, again. You know she means well".

"No Di, it's not aunty. I made a mistake today but unknowingly. I wanted to correct it but then I sort of had to save someone and couldn't correct my mistake" Said Khushi in a sad tone and explained to Payal the whole temple incident but forgot to mention the Raizada name.

"Rs,15,000????? Khushi how we are going to pay and that too within 14 days. You know Mom and Dad are experiencing losses in their business, Aunty also living from her Window fund which is similar to nothing. On top of that, she has both of us here too. " Payal was upset. If they pay Rs. 15,000 fine in 14 days, they will not be able to pay the rent or the food expenses. And if they didn't pay the fine, Khushi will have to go to civil court and plead her case and that can be tricky without a lawyer. A lawyer can cost a fortune.

" I know Di, that is what I was thinking about. But Di, can you remember Shyam Ji? The guy who helped us when we first moved to Delhi? I remember he was telling me that he is a lawyer. I think I still have his number. I was thinking to give him a call. What do you say?" Asked Khushi hoping for a favorable answer from her sister.

"But Khushi, we only saw him once and that too months ago. I don't think he remembers us or even if he does, what will he think? We didn't call him for months and now we are in trouble therefore, we are reaching out to him. That looks selfish".

"Yet, we have no other option Di. And I am sure, a noble person who helped total random girls that day will have a heart of gold. So I am sure he will help us".

Saying that she dialed the number she had for a certain Shyam Ji.

"Your phone is ringing. This is the third time. Do you want me to answer?" Shouted Anjali from outside the washroom.

"Wait a sec Darling, I am coming. I don't want you to receive any stress and I am sure this call is something to do with the Patel Killer case." Said someone from the washroom.

"Hello, Shyam speaking. May I know who this is?" Shyam answered his phone and his wife Anjali knew he will be busy for some time now with the work call and left the room giving him privacy.

"Wow Miss. Khushi, I thought you guys have forgotten me. I didn't have your number, otherwise I would have given you a call. How can help you, tell me". Said Shyam in an extra sweet voice.

Khushi has been circling his mind ever since he saw her near the Delhi station months ago with her sister. Khushi's bubbly nature has captured his heart and even though he is married to the sister of the most powerful man in Delhi, he couldn't stop falling for this bubbly girl from their first meeting. He didn't know where she lives, what she is doing, or even her number. The only thing he knew was her name is Khushi. So when he finally received the call of his dreams he was on cloud nine.

Khushi without knowing his true intentions explained the situation but she forgot to mention to him the name Arnav Singh Raizada and his involvement in getting her this fine.

Shyam, being the cunning and shrewd person he is hatched a plan. He knew a simple sealed letter from an attorney to the civil court asking for a payment plan explaining their financial situation will clear the matter in no time. But he wanted to get close to her, know her and the lust he felt towards her came out once again and he put his plan to lure Khushi into his trap into action.

"Khushi Ji, this is very tricky. You breached a traffic rule and even admitted doing it knowingly to an officer on duty. We need to build a strong case and this whole process could take a few months. You know how slow the legal system in this country is. I will ask the court to extend the time for your fine and we'll devise a plan before the end of two months" He knew, a month or two is enough for him to activate his plan. He was a criminal lawyer after all.

"Di, the matter looks bigger than we thought but Shyam Ji promised to sort it out for us," said Khushi happily. I am glad there are good people in this world and not all of them are like that so-called Mr. Chote.

"Mr. Chote? Khushi who is that" Asked Payal.

"Oh Di, Anjali Ji's brother. I didn't catch his name and she called him Chote" Said Khushi.

Suddenly his face came in front of her and she was sure she felt she skipped a heartbeat. Deep down she knew something is wrong as she has never felt this uneasy remembering a person.

"Btw Khushi, I am proud of you. You broke two of your major life rules." Said Payal laughing.

"Me, broke, rules, what?" Khushi was still lost in Arnav's thoughts and stammered.

"Yes, first you drove above the speeding limit," said Payal.

"A, n, d, the S, s, second" Khushi somehow knew what was the second one but yet asked Payal.

"You normally run away from men, yet long with arguing with them, you don't even dare to say hello to them. Then what happened Khushi? According to what you shared you not only argued with him, but he has somehow given you the courage to dial the phone to Shyam Ji. " Payal said thinking she is just pulling her sister's leg.

Unknown to Payal, this statement made Khushi shiver. "You not only argued with him but he has someone given you courage". The same thing kept on repeating in Khushi's mind. She always ran away from men. She never felt comfortable talking to them. That was the main reason she avoided calling Shyam even after constant pressure from her aunty asking him for a dinner to say thank you.

But this certain chocolate-eyed greek god-looking Chote has captured the deep veins in her body that she didn't know existed in her. What is happening to her? She has seen movies where heroin experiences the heartbeats and violins around her when she first meets the hero. But that is scripted. This is her life. Her life is not a Karan Johan movie and she is not Kajol to have the violins playing around her and no he is Shahrukh Khan. Then why???

She couldn't name the emotions she was feeling. She only knew that she was not the same Khushi who left home this morning.

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