Chapter 25

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Thank you for loving the story so far. Please enjoy chapter 25.  Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Happy Saturday! 


Arnav woke up feeling fresh. After a long time, he had a good night's sleep. His whole body was relaxed other than his right arm. That's when he saw the beauty sleeping next to him. Khushi was still hugging Arnav while his right hand was wrapped around her and his left hand was holding her left hand. There was a small smile on her lips.

Events of last night came through to him. How Khushi was afraid of Shyam, how he assured her that he will protect her no matter what, and the forehead kiss. What was that for? And Khushi didn't make a big fuss about that, instead, she hugged him back and slept.

"Actually, she was afraid so I just wanted to make sure she feels safe. That's all that kiss was for." He was explaining himself and then he realized that he is actually talking to himself. He better move away or else god knows what else he will end up doing. Looks like he got infected and the infection is nonother than Khushi.

"Chote, Khushi, are you guys up?" He heard the knock and his sister.

He slowly moved his arms without waking her up and got off the bed. "Come in Di," He said opening the door.

"Good Morning Chote"

"Good morning Di, how are you today? How's my little Prince"

"Your little princess, I have a feeling Chote, the baby will be a princess, not a Prince"

"Di, does it matter? prince or a princess, we love them no matter what"

"Btw Chote you looked relaxed. Did you just woke up?"

"Yes Di, after a long time I had a good night's sleep," said Arnav looking at the sleeping beauty in his bed.

Anjali couldn't be happier. She always knew her brother had nightmares and wasn't sleeping well ever since their parents killed themselves. Arnav never slept beyond 5.00 am. He usually had only 2 or 3 hours of sleep each night and that made his sugar levels go crazy all the time. He was sleep deprived all the time but today he not only had a good sleep but slept till 9.00 am. She knew the reason behind it and was thanking god once again for sending Khushi into his life.

"Khushi looks cute when she is sleeping, isn't she? "Asked Anjali looking at Khushi who was sleeping like a baby. But neither Arnav nor Anjali knew Khushi was actually up.

Khushi woke up way before Arnav did. At first, she thought she'll go and get a shower and get ready, but then this selfish thought clouded her judgment. She didn't want to leave the warmth she was getting, she wanted to hold on to this protective arm around her. Who knows if she will get another chance like this again so why not take the most out of it and she closed her eyes again. But then Arnav woke up and Anjali came.

Khushi couldn't act any longer so she pretended as if Anjali and Arnav woke her up. "Oh, good morning Anjali Di".

"Good Morning Khushi, sorry if I disturbed you, I bought your morning tea thinking you might be up"

"Please don't be sorry Anjali Di, I usually wake up early but I think I was tired last night and slept through the clock. I am sorry if I am late" saying she got off the bed and looked for her dupatta.

"Khushi, what are you looking for? Come have your tea before it gets cold"

"I am looking for my dupatta Anjali Di"

"Oh come on Khushi, it's me. I don't care if you have your dupatta on or not and I am sure Chote wouldn't mind either" Said Anjali winking at Arnav. Arnav knew the meaning behind it and thought to ignore it. He was not in a mode to get teased by his sister.

"I am not looking for this dupatta for you Anjali Di, I am looking that for him," Thought Khushi finally finding it and putting it around her neck.

Arnav never understood the logic behind it. How come one thin dupatta suddenly makes you feel covered and protected? He can still see her bare neck, her bare back, and whatever he was seeing before when she didn't have her dupatta on. He made a mental note to ask Khushi about this later.

"Khushi, Chote finish your tea and freshen up. We have a few more rituals to complete. And before I forget, someone is waiting to interrogate both of you"

"Interrogate?" Asked both of them together.

"Relax you both. It's Shyam Ji. I told him the whole story but he is refusing to believe me and you can't blame him either Chote. You fall in love and getting married is a shocker for us even till now" Saying that she smiled at both of them and left the room.

Arnav looked at Khushi while she looked at him. Khushi was worried again. Arnav saw how worried she looked. He pulled her towards him and hugged her tightly. No words can express the assurance Khushi got from that gesture. All her worries faded away and sudden courage took over her. 

"Arnav Ji, what are we going to do?"

While slowly letting her go, Arnav said,

"Khushi, we have to get our stories together. Knowing Shyam he won't ask us these questions when we are together. He will find a chance to confront us alone. He might have someone else from the family present there as a witness. So we need to make sure whatever we say matches."

"Yes, Arnav Ji. I think rather than adding more or exaggerating we should stick to the same story you shared with the Family."

"Yes, we should stick to the script. You go and get ready, I will call Akash and explain this and ask them to be our witnesses if needed"

Khushi went to get ready while Arnav texted Akash to come and meet him in the study room.

After making sure all the doors are locked and no one can roam around his bedroom and study area he explained the next part of their plan to Akash.

"Bhai, shall I cancel my tickets? I don't want to leave you alone and I am sure Payal would want to stay here to support her sister"

"No Akash, that will create suspicion. Don't worry about us, you go ahead with your plan"

"Are you sure Bhai"

"Yes Akash, take Payal and enjoy. You both deserve this time alone"

The rest of the day went by without any major events. Before going to sleep Arnav made sure no one is hiding around and he locked all the entrances to the poolside and kept the keys with him.

He then lay down, put his arm around Khushi, pulled her closer, kissed her forehand, and wished her good night before closing his eyes. Exactly what he did last night. Khushi too without uttering a single word hugged him the way she did last night closed her eyes sleeping on his chest.

Neither of them said anything, it all happened in a flow. One thing they both understood was this is their new normal way of sleeping. So why ruin it with words?

While Arnav and Khushi are getting closer to each other Shyam was planning his next move. He needs to find that other guy with whom Khushi was in a relationship. Maybe that guy can be his witness to show Khushi's truth. 

When Raizada gets to know about the real Khushi, they will kick her out. Arnav will definitely ruin her and Shyam will be right there to catch her when she falls. 

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