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001 | Petrified Is One Way To Describe My State of Mind Right Now

001 | Petrified Is One Way To Describe My State of Mind Right Now

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In Abnegation there is a window in every room and hallway. It is suppose to show how the people of Abnegation should be grateful for the light but never steal to much of it. The light is what woke up the young girl in the next door room. She creeps down the hallway careful not to wake her sleep deprived aunt who she creeps to. She opens the door to find a mop of dark hair on the pillows.

The bed sheets rustled as the small figure slid into the already occupied bed. The older girl turned on her side to see a little brunette right across from her. Her hand slid up to rub her thumb along her cheekbone. 

"Are you worried for your test?"

The older girl thinks for a second. How could she look this naive little girl in the eye and tell her she enjoyed this awful place.  She tried to remember a time she was like this but only small pieces or flashes pass once and a while. Her mother had her growing up at the age of three with an evil father trying to always remind her of the mistake she is. 

"No," she tried."just worried for tomorrow."

"I love you no matter what you choose. No one could replace my favorite aunt."

A smile over takes her face and she pulls her bundle of joy into her chest. For the next two hours it seems as though they might never wake up and face reality. The only problem with that statement is that you will always have to face the real world at some point. Through the good and bad.

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The morning went by fast after that. The girls made breakfast for the older girls father for when he woke up. She left the house dropping her niece back off at her home before leaving for school. The dark haired girl walked toward the end of her street when she heard her name. 


She looked behind her to see Caleb and Beatrice Prior. They have all known each other since they were little kids. The rule follower, the rule bender, and that one person who has selective hearing for rules(take your time to guess who is who.)

"Hey," Esmeralda called back. She slowed down her pace so the siblings could catch up. 

The walk was tense(more than normal)in a way trying to cover any topic but the aptitude tests today. It is hard to make conversation in a place like this knowing asking questions is being curious and being curious is against what we stand for. As we walk i notice the leader of our city, Marcus. He stands at his porch holding something in his hand. Esmeralda looks back at the sibling only to see Caleb and Beatrice helping an older woman. She hesitates before walking toward the 'devils' house. Rumors spread like wild fire because of the Erudite about Marcus. She has her own opinions that no one but Beatrice and her have on those rumors. 

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