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000 | One Time Thing

000 | One Time Thing

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In Abnegation emotions are rarely shown. It's why the outer faction call them Stiffs. Letting lose, relaxing your shoulder, being the first one anywhere was strictly against what they stood for. Generations passed and if anything the rules got more strict. You must be courted rather than a beautiful wedding. A date was never allowed as long as you were Abnegation. 

But time has a way of manipulating views. So after years of this formal matter finally someone decided that the children should have an least one chance to enjoy themselves. One day a year all of the grey faction would gather round in the center of their part of the city and dance. You could find people touching smiling, over all just enjoying themselves. The elders and parents joined in trying to remember the last time they had so much fun. 

In fifty years a day before the choosing ceremony comes the day all rules are forgotten. The aptitude tests are forgotten as the music plays and couples dance. It was the only time everyone truly showed their face.

So the two hidden face that stood over ten feet apart never took a glance at each other. Or so the sixteen year old thought as much as he sneaked a glance at the short haired brunette every now and again. 

He took notice of her tan skin. It was darker than the normal Abnegation skin tone. Most never got enough light for the skin to darken. Most people were pale; as if they had just woken up from a hundred years in a coffin. Her hair was rarely able to be held back by pins because of its length. Her striking green eyes watched the pale skinned people dance in a circle. The danced side to side following a couple as the girl laughed when she was twirling around.

"If you keeping staring at me like that might as well label yourself a stalker," the strange girl calls out.

 The flustered boy turns back to find her green eyes digging into his soul. She stalks slowly toward him and soon she is standing only a step away from the soon to be independent.  She had a look that could be described as 


"Don't it's cute." She smirks as the boy looks like the apple she ate this morning. 

She looks over at the older boy. Taking in his short light hair. He easily towered over her but she couldn't find it intimidating unlike when she looked at her father. His blue eyes reminded her of when the sun sank into the west horizon. How the dark dusk blue over powered the sky till it was darker than the Dauntless clothing.

"Tobias Eaton," the boy stared at awe. He only ever heard his name said with malice when his father called it out. And yet hear was a girl who made it seem like honey. He felt his throat tighten waiting for her next words.

"Y-yes," he cleared his throat."yes, that's me."

 She sent a small smile his way as she turned toward the dancing folk. 

"Isn't it something," the emerald eyed girl started. "people who swear their lives to never thing about themselves and only others would find such joy in love. We spend all our lives hiding the smallest supposed self-conceded parts of our self in order to help everyone else. And there are Dauntless who are willing to give their lives for everyone inside the wall. They live happy free lives and are able to fall in love. We're both selfless factions; if you think about it both are not so different in beliefs only in actions are we truly different."  

If this girl had not already amazed him he was shocked. Without knowing she had just helped him choose his future faction.  

"Well thanks for keeping my mind off the ceremony tomorrow. I need to get back home." the fourteen year old says. "Good luck tomorrow."

She turns to walk away but freezes before taking her next step. She faces the young Eaton still looking at her. She takes a step forward and places her lips on the corner of his mouth. She smiles when she sees his cheeks heat up from her being so close. 

"See you in two years Tobias."

She walks away but before she is out of hearing range he shouts, "Can I get your name? OR a nickname."

He can picture her perfect smirk as she shouts, "In a few years!"

ONLY LOVE ME BROKEN | TOBIAS EATONWhere stories live. Discover now