3 - Paid Compense

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[A/N: This is kind of a long chapter.]


"Insolent Taliah! I asked not for these flowers!", a shadowy figure exclaims at 'Taliah.'

"But I heard you reminisce, muttering to yourself about the flowers in Darkwood, asking how they are ever since Leshy's death.", Taliah responded with open and welcoming joy.

"And-! Hey! W-What of this you lay on my head?!", he asks, annoyed, as Taliah lays a flower crown over his head.

"It's my apology. It's my way to apologize to you for usurping you... In truth, I had no intention to die, but never had the intent to end your life either...", she looked down at the ground, looking ashamed and regretful.

"[!]... S-Stupid Taliah! I requested not for your recompense nor your apology! You of think me a soft fool...?!", he yelled, looking away from her like a male tsundere.

Taliah couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. Seeing this shadow person's face become flushed brings joy to Taliah's immortal and ever-beating heart. She couldn't help but return a faint redness on her expression as she wholesomely smiled.

Though his eyes look away from her, the third eye on his forehead, formerly forever closed, opened a tiny bit, locked onto Taliah's warm and soft expressions.

The shadow lowers his head, embarrassed, his cat ears becoming visible.

While the shadow continuously denied feeling the warmth in his chest due to his pride, Taliah allowed that feeling to flow through her. She hoped that he would eventually warm up to her because she knew deep down that he was regretting his sins.

[Laura POV]

Ugh... I am... awake.

That was... a really weird dream. That... cat person? He had cat ears and... Umm, what else?

I'm beginning to forget. Sigh. At least I woke up today.

I don't need sleep, but it's still relaxing.

What was that dream again?

I... don't remember anymore.

Well, that's that, I guess. Let's just get things done for today. I expect something good and exciting will happen today.

After all, I have gained a patron for my services.

Heheheh... This life is getting exciting...

But it does get lonely living alone.


I haven't even added anyone to my contacts yet. Well, I guess I have no friends.


Yeah, existential dread.

I do my daily routine.

Once I get dressed up in my formal attire, without the coat right now, I finally decide to make a cup of coffee.

Instant coffee was... acceptable, to say the least. Maybe I should've stolen that coffee machine from that pedo's place, whom I murdered.

It matters not anymore. I make my coffee.

As I was sitting alone on the couch, carrying both my overcoat and my mug, I felt a familiar presence nearby.

Finally. It took you this long to find me, Kurumi.

The doorbell rings. I leave my coat on the couch as I take a sip from my mug. I open the door to find Kurumi in her school clothes.

Kurumi: "Good morning, Agana-sensei."

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