10 - Bloodied Stem

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Warning: This has around 7k words.


It was cold. It was quiet.

Sensory deprivation.

It does not help that familiar darkness was what she sank into.

The air was like water. It was like fluid.

"You called my name. Who are you?"

She heard a voice directly in her mind, disdainful.

"Ah, yes, right, I see... Heheheh. I understand now. I know who you are." The malevolent amusement in her voice echoed throughout Laura's already fragile mind.

This sensation was similar to being inside Kurumi's shadow realm. But there was just something uncanny about having everything surrounding you be slightly off. It was enough to make someone uneasy.

The chain holding the shackle was still white hot.

She couldn't speak.

"I should have died, you know?"

She starts getting pulled up to the surface.

"But he was just too stubborn."

She surfaces from the darkness. Finally, she is able to draw breath.

Laura gasps for air.

Laura: "W-What...? What are you even--"

She coughs blood.

Laura: "-...talking about?"

"Ah, right. I guess you wouldn't remember. That makes sense. You're not... Nevermind."

Laura: "Where are you?! Show yourself, damn it!"

She frantically looked around her in desperate anger. Upon doing that, she realizes that she was floating in an ocean of blood.

"You are nothing but a mistake, a false idol, a host, a side-effect."

Laura: "Shut up! What do you even want from me?!"

She was angered by this voice.

"What do I want? Oh, it's quite simple, really."

Malicious intent was plain in the feminine voice.

Without warning, the chain begins to pull with a force just enough so her limb wouldn't be torn off, causing Laura the agony of a stretching limb.

Naturally, this causes her to writhe and scream. She was being pulled just slightly above the water level, so the resistance of the blood water caused even more force to agonize her.

Laura: "Make it stop! Make it stop! UhgaaaaaAAA!"

In her agony, she realized not that she cratered into an island, causing a loud crash on its rocky beaches.

All the relief she felt during that one instance of calm had already been expended. There was nothing left to push her forward but being unable to look and go back.

Near the brink of unconsciousness, she tried to move. She was unable to.

"Get up." The malevolent voice commanded.

And just like that, she got up, like an animated cadaver.

This just confuses Laura, but she is unable to think now.

"I see you're still holding onto it. Persistent little heretic." The voice spoke, clearly with disdain.

Laura was still holding onto the thorn crown. Although, that was an involuntary action. She could not get her grip off it, even if it continues to dig into her fingers and palm.

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