8 - Memorial Crusader

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Kannazuki: "That's concerning but not as bad as we expected."

The blonde-haired man wearing a white uniform spoke out.

Reine: "Yes... The Angel made a contract with Shin. It told us its conditions for that contract..."

Kotori: "Now we'll have to support Laura when she wakes up. It sounds like she's already making leverage."

Kotori spoke out with a lollipop in her mouth. It had been a day since the incident with Origami. She had sufficiently recovered to continue working.

Reine: "Looking back at the conversation I had with it, it always referred to itself in the third person, also referring to others by their full name. We couldn't determine its emotional state. Our machines aren't able to analyze it."

Knowing those, they could be in a complicated position if it becomes a possible threat to them. They won't be able to know what would come.

Kannazuki: "So,... is it a threat? Is it against us?"

Reine: "As far as now, no. Laura's Angel, Keter Adom, seems to be under Shin's command. It seems to willingly obey his requests."

Kotori: "It's as if he was using Laura's Spirit powers as his own..."

Her expression tensed up, for a thought came to her head. Since Shido is now using an Angel, this could mean something dangerous for him or something that could very well help him.

Nevertheless, Kotori thought in her mind another possibility, that her brother might soon naturally manifest an Angel of a Spirit he's sealed. And if that happens, caution would have to be taken.

Kannazuki: "And, judging from Laura-san's recent scans, she's recovering quickly now. Strange. Perhaps it has something to do with Shido-san offering his blood to Keter Adom."

Kotori: "That seems likely. Since we know that she uses blood and flesh essentially as her life force or lifespan, Onii-chan giving his blood to the Angel in order to help her recover would make sense."

Reine: "Until then, this entire situation is as if Laura has been quasi-sealed."

Kannazuki: "You think so too?"

Kotori: "She gives off no Spirit waves or signatures, and neither does her Angel even while under Onii-chan's authority."

Their contemplation was nearing its end, now only pondering on whether or not it is a clear friend or a clear foe.

Kotori: "Can the Angel be trusted?"

She looked on at Reine with a serious look in her eyes.

Reine: "Keter Adom made it clear... that as long as it and Laura do not get antagonized by us and as long as Shin keeps his end of the deal, it will remain our ally until the two-month allowance time is over."

A collective 'hmm' comes from the blonde and the red hair.

Kannazuki: "So, what should we do about this?"

Kotori: "Though I'm not entirely sure about this, I think we should honor their contract and involve Keter Adom in some part of Shido's daily life. On the slight chance that Laura is watching or controlling her Angel remotely, we need to show her that we can be trusted and that we can be relied on."

She takes out the lollipop from her mouth.

Kotori: "Furthermore, I think we should tell Shido to treat the crown more as a person, though I doubt he isn't already doing that. If we do this decently enough, Laura might fall for Onii-chan."

She crosses her arms and closed her eyes.

Kotori: "I have to admit, she's a tough one to make progress with. She's sly, clever, and can seemingly read intentions as if she was reading minds. To add to that, from the data we've gathered, she can control her emotions well."

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