20 - Carrion Living

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"... Hey," called his soft voice. "Wake up, █████, lest you force my hand at seduction."

"Nnghh... I'm up, I'm up, █████." She stood up and covered herself.

"Today—" he spoke with a hand holding hers— "is this time of ours, unholy and powerful."

She giggled, "Where has that skittish side of you gone all those years?"

"Myriads occur across centuries, as immortality allowed so, surely as reflected likewise through my old enemies." He gently kissed her.

"You who guards the Crowns of blasphemers, too do you guard my heart from another."

"That is mine to service, et tu I once more profess eternal lust and loyalty to you, "leader." " He spoke to tease her.

"Come now, the time for talk has passed," she spoke as she embraced him. "My work needs to be done. A shepherd must look after his flock, and you must look after ours."

"Thy will be done, I hath offered myself to eternal you," he paused for a moment, then spoke, "Taliah."


How they have come so far, both literally in the sense that they flew far to a nearby green flatland and journey-wise.

Eyes open, waking desperation. Bloodied was her vision and so was her throat, gurgling, coughing with a lack of air, and splattering her blood on the warm morning grass she fell upon.

The pain—it was too much to notice.

Outstretched goes her hand as the white light at the end of the dark tunnel was stricken from her grasp, broken off by the zealot, by the righteous, by the power of the Powers.

She tried to speak but all that came out of her mouth was more blood, putting pressure on her chest and lungs as the same fluid had already begun leaking into them.

Miku: "'How did this all happen...?' "

Miku's fleeting thoughts went, flashing back to the late dawn of the one-winged disruptor.

Yes, she remembers it now. It all went by so fast.


Miku tried to use the power of Gabriel, creating an orchestra with the organ in the sky as they flew.

Miku: "Gabriel: Rondo!"

Its powerful waves send bursts of melodies.

The one-winged Angel doesn't even flinch at the attempt.

Miku clicks her tongue.

Laura: "Miku, buy me some time! I think I can help!"

Miku looked at Laura for but a moment before deciding to trust her.

Laura: "'I don't know what's going on, but this is a chance for me to use what this mysterious power can do now.' "

Powers flew in a straight line toward them to slash at them. Miku evaded while keeping Laura's hand grasped.

Miku: "Gabriel: Symphony!"

The next attack was countered, struck back by the silver pipe vibrating vehemently with intense sound, creating a loud low hum.

Laura: "'Come on, come on. Get it together.' "

She tried to focus on the familiar resonance that she felt with Miku.

As Miku defended herself and Laura from the Powers, there were no monologues, no dialogues, nothing but the coldness of space and the vastness of her inexhaustible attack patterns, yet all attacks felt lethargic, lacking in effort somehow as if the enemy wasn't using her full strength—or rather, the enemy couldn't.

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