18 - His Desperation

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There is risk to every investment made. Situations rise and fall, and risk can correlate to that.

But when an investment goes stagnant and one gives more than received back, what does a wise man do in such a situation?

Isaac: "Ellen, what do you think of this?"

Ellen: "Pardon, sir?"

He can pull out of the investment-

Isaac: "Presumably, the plan involving Sister would be jeopardized if we slight Monarch, but there is nothing to suggest that she can do anything about it. Ellen, excluding Monarch, which Spirit has the highest threat factor to our plans?"

-or double down on it.

Despite what he has done, there have been little signs of growth. He conducted himself in a way of speculation, thinking about what factors are currently in play.

Ellen: "That... would be Nightmare."

Isaac: "Exactly. In that case, if I disregard the possibility of Monarch truly having leverage over us, where does that leave her?"

Ellen: "I don't understand where you are going, sir."

Isaac shakes his head in delight, fixing his hair before staring at his phone and the messages on it.


I believe it is time to repay my favors. If you wish to meet me, I can send a car. Just tell me where.

Sorry. I can't right now. I'm busy.


Followed by a chain of messages similar, he scrolls through them all.

Isaac: "Even if we're unsure if Monarch gave us an empty threat, or her chosen alias was just coincidence, I believe it's time we take the risk... and we become more aggressive negotiators."

Ellen: "And what of Shido Itsuka and Princess?"

Isaac: "I don't see too much of how they're connected, especially to this conversation. Let's proceed as planned. Oh, and, Ellen."

Ellen: "Yes?"

Isaac: "How is the progress on prototype CR-Unit Guardian?"


It hasn't even been 5 minutes after leaving and Miku was still fawning over Laura. Miku, at this point, is spoiling her rotten. They stayed at a different, prim and proper cafe and Miku ensured that Laura was happy. And for a while, it worked.

Miku: "Do you know how much I cherish you, Laura-chan?"

She rhetorically strikes, looking innocent while trying to make advances on her.

Laura: "Hopefully more than your usual girls."

She jokes and takes it maturely, which elates Miku.

Miku: "I like how you're so mature, it's so cute! But I really wanna see a cuter side of youuu."

Laura scratches the back of her head, smiling as she drinks her brew.

Laura: "You know, I wasn't much of a fan of idol songs. I used to think that they were a little soulless. It doesn't feel nice to hear the words "I love you" when you're saying it to untold millions."

Miku: "Aww, so you don't like me?"

She pouted playfully.

Laura: "Hey, I didn't say that. But what I was going to say was that your music feels real to me, so it feels real to me that you care. And what I can feel from what you've done for me so far, you really do care..."

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