6 - Devil Breaker

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"I am alone."

"It burns."

"I am awake? "

"It hurts."

"It is dark..."

"I feel... cold..."

"Am I... alive? "

"Am I... dead?"

"Is someone there? "

"Is someone there?"


" " Who am I? " "


[A/N: This might be a relatively boring chapter. Or maybe just the first half.]

[3rd POV]

A distant memory plays within a certain purist's mind; all around him ablaze, his sister, Kotori, is yelling his name. Fear was in her voice and fading was his consciousness from this memory.

"Onii-chan...! Onii-chan...!" Her voice rang out, but it reached no one.

As the memory darkens the scene, the fades of viscous black ichor crept arise from any semblance of light.

The ebony of the eternal void became his friend.

Steps were taken, each of them difficult to move, the tumultuous volume of the ebony ichor.

Leg movement was a struggle.

The dark blood of night crept up to waist level, each careful step becoming more difficult to move.

"Take my hand!" The purist spoke out, seemingly, as he stretched his hand out to a corpse in the water.

He recognized the body in the water.

He recognizes the bodies in the water.

They were all Laura.

His hands turn over a corpse, revealing empty eye sockets.

"Blood. ... We need more blood."

He was horrified, but he couldn't scream.

The cryptid cadaver necrotizes as it launches itself at him with a loud, horrific death screech.

He awakens, screaming aloud.


"Shido! Shido!" The panicked voice of Tohka reaches his ears

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"Shido! Shido!" The panicked voice of Tohka reaches his ears.

His wide eyes glance at the room.

The air was relatively cold as the light shone under the medical bay of the Fraxinus.

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