13 - Jade Stone

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Natsumi: "I don't like killing... I don't want to kill anyone. I've never actually killed anyone. I only change the stuff around them so they wouldn't be able to hurt me. So,... it kinda feels wrong to me."

She speaks to herself, watching her enigmatic man of a friend, Laurence, killing killers. On a side note, her voice seems to have been getting better and less hoarse. Natsumi is both happy and excited for Laurence, as she wants to know what he sounds like when she gets her payback.

After a small gulp, she looks to the side instead of the magical screen she uses to see reality through her private void.

Natsumi sighs.

Natsumi: "You asked me about why I like my looks, huh?"

A pinch of venom was in her voice.

Natsumi: "Maybe I should show you why."

Her hand hovers above the mystical screen before hesitating and curling it reluctantly.

Natsumi: "Maybe not yet... I don't know why, but I feel like if I keep going with what you're doing, I'll find something interesting."

She speaks to herself before grinning a smile.

Natsumi: "And, well, I won't let you get away with that question, Laurence-kun."

The bristles of Hanael glow as bright as the suspense and malice in Natsumi's jade eyes.


While Shido and his team discuss the recent happenings, they come to a small argument.

Kotori and the others have decided to confront Shido about his changes, seeing it as more important.

On the other hand, Shido is seemingly fixated on locating Laura because of his recent encounter with her, showing determination and dedication that has never been seen by the girls before.

Kotori: "We need to know if something bad's happening to you!"

Shido: "I don't care! If we lose this chance, then Laura-san might be in more danger! I saw how she was all bandaged up; she looked weak! That's why we need to help her first! "

Tohka: "Shido, you've never been like this before...! Please, let us help you...!"

Tohka spoke with a soft and careful voice. Out of everyone in the room, Tohka considers herself to be the one who cares for Shido the absolute most. She would die for him.

Shido: "That's because now I can protect you!"

As if a glass plate hit the floor, the shock of hearing Shido's strained, foreign accent and aggressive voice hit them with a deafening silence.

The roughened purist realized his transgression and stuttered, his face, body language, and other forms of expression returning to his familiar, innocent self.

Shido: "N-No. I-I didn't mean-"

Yoshino and Yoshinon, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Kotori, and Tohka all stared at him in silence, feeling conflicted by the unfamiliar tension.

Kotori: "Now you can protect us, is that it...?"

Somehow, even though it felt somewhat pure-hearted coming from even an uncharacteristic Shido, Kotori felt hurt, and so did the others. It made no logical sense.

Keter Adom: "..."

Shido's head lowers in shame, him letting his eyes close halfway into his shadowed face.

Shido: "I- I just... want... all of you to be safe... Ever since DEM tried to take Tohka, ever since Laura-san became comatose,... I never felt like I was able to do anything... I was helpless, and I wanted to change that..."

Date A Live: Red Crown ChaplainWhere stories live. Discover now