12 - Keter Katabasis

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Sirens of the police and an ambulance ring onto many ears behind thick walls of concrete and cement as the early morning light allowed.

"If a man takes another man's life, he shall be put to death without fail." A harsh, rough voice spoke out, rough and as deep as a chasm. It sounded as if gravel was being dragged against rocky terrain.

The runaway murderer was swiftly, painfully kicked to the ground with a broken nose as he backed himself against a wall in a state of panic.

"Anyone who strikes and kills a domestic animal should compensate for it, a soul for a soul, life for life." The bandaged manifestation of Death pierced his hand with the dagger of dark judgment, pinning him against the wall.

He screams and shouts, but no help comes. The sirens started to sound increasingly distant like they were fading into obscurity.

"If a man pains his fellow man, then what he has done should be done unto him." The manifestation said as it stepped on his ankles, dislocating and cracking them.

It unholstered a handgun from behind itself and placed it onto the man's leg, shooting once directly at the femur. He screams as he felt it the sudden shock of having the strongest bone in the human body be mutilated into shards and splinters within his very flesh, and it did not stop with one shot. Hundreds of shards of his own bone are stuck inside and will forever lie inside.

"Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, the same type of injury he inflicted is retaliated." It spoke as the man felt the force of his life get stripped from his body-his very blood being drained.

He is blinded by it. He is broken by it. He is drained by it as it is stabbed in his other leg.

"A man who hits and kills an animal should be compensated, but a man who strikes and kills another man should be executed." With that, the man loses his life as the divine force of life is taken from him.

The figure retrieves the dagger and looks back at the house, turning its head as its gloved hands tip its dark hat; the lifeless bodies of a father with a slit throat, a mother with almost no teeth, a dog with broken and fractured bones, and a little girl with no eyes lay inside.

It sighed dismissively as a broom blipped just in front of it.

"We can't expect god to do all the work." The bandaged figure dressed in black spoke before disappearing in a sparkle, a blip of jade.

The sirens rang dissipated into nigh-obscurity, farther and farther away from the bloody site.

The police and ambulance were never meant for these dead. There was, in fact, no one coming. There was no help, nor was there any hope of living. That is the world everyone lives in today.


The police sighed, disappointed and irritated, telling the purist to be careful next time and tell the prank caller to strictly not do it again.

Shido: "Hai... (T^T)"

He closed the door and the cars and ambulance started vacating the premises, seeing as this whole thing was just one big (and weird) misunderstanding.

The boy returned to the living room, finding his little sister bowing her head to the ground.

Kotori: "Gomenasai. Gomenasai... Gomenasai... Gomenasai... (╥_╥)"

Shido: "(¬_¬) Kotori, you're not the one who's supposed to be apologizing."

A particular crown floats towards him with the Yamai sisters in tow as they descend the stairs.

Keter Adom: "I presume the misunderstanding's been handled and adequately explained?"

Shido: "Yeah..."

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