16 - Speak Naught

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[Unknown Number]
Miku Izayoi? Well, now, it would seem that we've finally found Diva.

Diva? I see. That's the code name given to this Spirit.

[Unknown Number]
That's correct. Our intel suggests that Diva is very much interested in girls. She despises all men with extreme prejudice. That is why you were attacked during your initial encounter with her as she believed you to be a man.

So you were watching us. Are you affiliated with Ratatoskr?

[Unknown Number]
As expected, you know of them as well. Well, let's just say that we, unlike them, are more generous to valuable people. I won't answer anything else so just go with it, alright?

... And why should I trust you?

[Unknown Number]
Because we believe we can give you what you want. As a sign of support, we even gave you what you requested to get into that school.

If you say that, do you know what I want, then?


Laura was left on read, which irritates her slightly but it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience. She simply pocketed her phone, because she believes that she's about to face one of the toughest challenges in her life-talking to a yuri.

She wore the same outfit as she did the day of her first encounter with her. The school seemed busy and many girls lay about talking about business or the local happenings. There were mentions of the term "onee-sama" among one of the groups, which Laura hoped not to be the descriptive word used to describe this Miku person.

Wearing a black hat to cover her bandaged skin from the sun's cruel rays, she approached a group of girls who didn't look too busy, only carrying a clipboard.

Laura: "Ehem. Excuse me, ladies, but would you happen to know where the main faculty are? I am here to perform a surprise inspection of the school grounds as per the updated regulations of the Spacequake Secure Safety Act of 2037 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology."

She lies, presenting herself as someone who is not. Using an ID that was left at a designated location by the unknown contact, she was able to show them a glimpse of what seemed like a real MEXT representative's identification.

The girls give off a brief moment of panic at the presence of the scary-looking representative of MEXT. In the face of high authority, those not defiant enough can quake before the presence of one who can control their lives course through their education.

"T-There is a map in front of the main hall a-and one near the reception over by the finance department. I-If you w-wish it, I can gui-," the nervous murmurs of the girl were halted by the interruptions of Laura.

Laura: "There's no need."

Sternly, she spoke, without the German words to further hide her true self.

She mused her voice like a drill sergeant with a disciplined and serious disposition. One look from her could falter weaklings and build them back up. Through pain, some may find wisdom. That's not the case for Laura, though, in reality. If only they knew what psychological and physical pains plagued her soul since her fall into and out of death.

Entering Rindouji, an all-girls private school, was the easy part of her activities for the day, perhaps the easiest throughout said day. She walks inside.

The soft colors of the interior and the tasteful artwork laid about give her a warm greeting as it gives off a sense of welcoming as if she were part of the bourgeoisie.

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