20.5 - Nobody's Voice

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And here, I quote, "Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days also like the days of an hireling? As a servant earnestly disireth the shadow, and as the hireling looketh for the reward of his work, so am I made to possess months of vanity and wearison nights are appointed to me."

From a book strange as I find it.

Yet I desireth not her shadow but her light, yet her light bear the grudge eternal.

The newborn god of death lived alight aboard the lifeboat a sea of slaughters.

God of Death.


The On High.

The Obsession.

The Heretic.

One becomes three.

To three I come unseen and unalive.

To here there cometh my remnant soul—elder god of Death.

I hath chosen one, protect the Heretic, but you cannot save the Obsession. A soul falls into the puddle.

Dear loveth beloved, I'm sorry I am to blame. Protect the younglings as thumbs pressed and bitten away. Dulcis puer, dulcis puer.

Thee ones I brought upon the burden carried away, this crumbling soul astray reclaim thou to the fray.

Worry not death, claims of the false death idol, you I anoint as idol to famine. Now in darkness, nocte tenebris.

Adsium. I am here. Adsium.

Listen and follow. Audite et sequimini. Into oblivion. Ad oblivium.

Worry not death, pitier of the false death idol, you I anoint as sanctifier, reminder. My hand extends, manus extendem.

And... to you, who cannot hear me.

Spare the Heretic...


I'm sorry.

For everything I've done.

I remember the pain... what I am.

I don't remember who I was.

I wish I did.

But you can't change the past.

You can tell all the stories you want to tell.

It won't change what happened.

Your Obsession tried.

But you can't...


Rewrite the past.

If you live in fantasy forever, On High, Obsession.

You will lose yourself in the story.

Date A Live: Red Crown ChaplainWhere stories live. Discover now