15 - Dark Blue

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A few days passed and there had to be a spacequake within that timeframe. Since the commander of the Fraxinus' crew wasn't at her best, they missed the opportunity to at least try and identify the Spirit. Reine was assigned to the medical bay by Kotori until Shido woke up.

It's true that they visit him; Kotori and Tohka visit Shido often, and Yuzuru and Kaguya visit Keter Adom just as often as frequently as the former does. It's not wrong to value someone or something. That's why people have sentiments toward people and some objects.

But there's only one that has Reine's focus while and when she's all alone in the medical bay.

Multiple screens display on the futuristic monitor. Reine looked on at the readings with naught but blank coldness in her tired eyes. She stared at them all relentlessly, processing every tidbit of information that was shown-symptoms, heart rate, blood pressure, Reiryoku levels, and further details that only she could understand.

What Kotori had feared, in a sense, came to reality. Reine could see it-his body pressured by the Paths of the Spirits he's sealed, but that shouldn't have been the case. Shido shouldn't have experienced this overload this early.

The grey-haired woman closed the collection of windows and closed her own eyes, filled with slight contempt.

Reine: "Hm. I did not expect this..."

Reine murmured under her breath, bearing forth, not a tired and gentle front, but a low and cynical disposition.

Reine: "And I couldn't stop it completely..."

Staring at the burning red light that flairs up like flames hovering above her right palm, she quashes its light and dusts her hands off. She stared at the console and then deleted all the data she saw on those multiple screens.

Reine: "Keter Adom."

Her eyes squint as she drags her sights to land on the infirmed Red Crown on a small white table right next to the infirmed, unconscious Shido. Reine did not act like Reine. She bore a hateful, angry, obsessive glint in her eyes.

Reine: "You... will die."

The density of omnipotent power danced inside the room, but none could detect it, nor withstand it. Shido began to squirm as if he was having a nightmare, tossing and turning while still having needles and monitoring equipment in and on him; Keter Adom was shaking, quivering despite its one eye being closed and its physical form cracked.

Reine takes a deep breath and soon calms down. The atmosphere subsides.

She sighs, breathing a broken, pitiful, sad disposition as she goes and stands beside Shido's unconscious body, running her hands between his dark blue hair.

Reine: "... Shin..."

She worries.


It looks like I've been busier than I thought.

I took the liberty of reconnecting with the one I'm closest to among my colleagues-Tamae. It seems like I've worried her and everyone in class. Apparently, they didn't know who took my bandages off. It doesn't matter. Natsumi's probably abandoned me by now, and I don't really care because I can feel it; she's not as powerful as the being that dawns over me with dauntless eyes of malice.

The Ten-oh Festival-a festival hosted by 10 different high schools. The way I see it, it's a good way to advertise and show off a school's students and talents. On the other hand, it's a place of competition. The winner would likely decide who gets more attention from both the populace and the government. Clever-eyes and funding, the potential of just one festival.

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