Learning piano! [day 2: Kaede + Kiibo]

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"Hey, Kiibo!"
Kaede cheerfully waved, Kiibo waving back as the pianist approached him.

"Hello, Kaede. Did you need anything?"
He greeted, Kaede shook her head.

"I want to hang out, if you can, of course!"
She says, pointing behind her shoulder to her research lab.

"Sure, I'd love to. In your research lab?"
He looks behind her shoulder, Kaede nods.

"Lets go?"
She offers, Kiibo nods and they go to her lab.
Its nicely decorated, a big brown piano in the center.

"So, I wanted to show you how to play piano. You mentioned you wanted to learn some instrument, and since I can play, I thought.. I could teach you a bit..?"
She chuckles, a bit awkwardly, the robot lights up, nodding happily.

"Yes!- Please- That would be amazing!"
He's all smiles now, its nice to hang out with Kiibo, Kaede thinks. He acts more human than some of the people here, its crazy how far technology has come.

"So, I know a lot of songs, but since you don't play piano, we should start off with something simple and easy."
She sits down, motioning him to sit down next to her, he does.

"We can do.. claire de lune. its my favorite song but.. its pretty easy, its slow paced, not many keys you have to play and its a great song.."
Akamatsu mumbles, staring at her piano, she looks very content just.. being there.
Calm breathing, content heartbeat, stable vitals..
He's observing her now, its interesting to see how different humans act around their interests and hobbies.

Angie gets cheerful when she's painting or sculpting, on the other hand, Shuichi gets nervous doing his job.

"So.. Wanna try?"
She looks at him, smiling softly.


Gently taking Kiibo's hands, she guides them to the right keys.

"First you press these two keys. E and G."
Kaede puts his fingers on the keys;
"Press them at the same time and hold, put your foot on the pedal and hold that too."


★ ★ ★

"You're such a quick learner, Kiibo! I'm proud of you!"
She compliments, standing up from the long stool.

Kiibo nods.

"Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun today!"
He thanks, standing up and walking to the door with Kaede.

"So..We can hang out again tomorrow? I would've ideally liked to teach you more but.. It's getting pretty late and dinners around the corner.."
She sighs, the android nodded and thanked her again with a small bow, going to his dorm to charge a bit before dinner.

That was fun.

★ ★ ★


I actually LOVE Akakiibo but i never write about it-


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