PUSSIES. [Kiibo + Rantaro]

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'amamiibo.. is.. real....'

uhh ya uh uh this is a reference to that dude who got ambushed my kittens on the road

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Kiibo and Rantaro liked adventuring, going in hikes, walks, camping with friends, whatever.

They enjoyed each other's company.

Rantaro and Kiibo went on a walk tonight, next to a lake.

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"So.. Any news?"
Rantaro asked curiously.

"No.. Not really. I fell and hurt my knee yesterday.. thats about it."
Kiibo mumbled.

"Does it actually hurt? Uhm- That was a genuine question- Not tryna be robophobic or anything!"
He jumped to defend himself, Kiibo shook his head, tsking.

"Thats robophobic, looks like i'll have to push you into the lake now."
He said jokingly, Rantaro feigned fright.

"Noo!! Please, I didn't mean it!"
He giggled, Kiibo laughed too.

"Haha,, No, not really. Well, sort of. my right leg functions slightly worse today.."
He answers, looking to the side and seeing a kitten on the road.

He quickly left the path to see the kitten, marveling at it.

Then another came out from the bushes, and another, and another.. it goes on.

Rantaro counted, Kiibo looked at him scoldingly.


Rantaro chuckled.

"They're so cute, kinda like you!"
He teased, Kiibo blushed and crossed his arms.


"See! Cute!"
He pointed at him, Kiibo trying to appear angry.

"Heh, you know you can't be mad at me.."
He hugged him, the kittens gathered around Kiibo's legs.

"Look... They like you..!"
He chuckled as they started pawing at his jeans.

Kiibo bent over and sat down (they weren't on the road anymore) and 3 of the white and black kittens went into his lap.

Kiibo squealed as they jumped onto his legs and into the gap between his legs.
(he was sitting crisscross applesauce 👍)

Kiibo gently pets one of them..
"So soft..!"
The robot whispers, feeling like if he gets too loud they'll get scared and leave.

"I'll name this one.. Pickle!"
He said proudly, picking a white cat with brownish spots up:

 Pickle!"He said proudly, picking a white cat with brownish spots up:

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Rantaro burst into laughter.

"Yes! He's cute."

"And this one.. will be called.. Spot."


"And this one is going to be.. Bob. and this one is gonna be................ Fluff. And this one is Blank.... and this one.. Muffin.. And Mittens.. And Blueberry, and Strawberry! And Soap! and Beep. You can name the last one!"
He listed the most dumb and random names as he smiled brightly.

"Heh, what a privilege. I'll call it Taro. Like taro roots, Ran*TARO*..?"
He chuckles, sitting down next to his friend in the grass.
The street light shined on their faces.

"I love them all so much! I want to adopt them!"
Kiibo said with the happiest face ever.
(He looked a bit like this ^ ヮ^)

"Seriously? All of them? I don't even remember their names."
He chuckled teasingly, hah, like they were gonna adopt 12 kittens.

"You'll get used to it! Plus i'll keep them in my room if you don't want them in yours!"
Kiibo mumbled as he pet Pickle.

"Its not that- I- You're not joking? You *ACTUALLY* want to adopt 12 cats?"
Rantaro asked, Kiibo nodded aggressively and happily.

"Yes! I even recognized them all by now! This ones Pickle, that ones Spot, Blueberry and Strawberry, thats Fluff and Mittens and Muffin! Triplets! Thats Blank, and Bob! Thats Taro, thats Soap, and finally, thats Beep."
He pointed to each cat, suggesting to get colored collars to help tell the difference.

"Hah, like i'm letting you take home twelve whole kitt—"

★ ★ ★

Kiibo happily marched into the house with 4 cats in his hand, Rantaro absolutely covered with the other 8.

Rantaro sighed and grumbled.

"Hehe! Thank you, Taro!"
He hugged him tightly.

★ ★ ★


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