Hall monitors! [Kiibo + Kiyotaka]

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my dumb ass wrote this chapter on the 15th and didnt realize it was already jn the list so ill alter it to a different character

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Being in the student council means that you have to be a hall monitor too.

Kiibo and Kiyotaka were both good students, compassionate about their work and studies.
Kiyotaka being the Ultimate Moral Compass, it would be obvious that he would join the student council, and Kiibo just really cared about others.

They had alot in common, they were pretty good friends!

So the day that they both got hall monitor duties, they were super hyped to be together.

"Kiibo-san! Hello!"
Kiyotaka bowed as he greeted his friend.

"Hello, Kiyotaka! Good morning!"
He smiled softly and waved.

"Good morning, friend! I see we both have hall monitor duty today!"
He patted the robot on the back and smiled brightly.

"I'm glad! I hardly get along with the other students in the council."
Kiibo chuckled light heartedly, Kiyotaka always protected Kiibo from the 'robophobic remarks' that came from the rest of the council, so Kiibo highly appreciated and looked up to the moral compass.

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Hall monitor duties basically consisted of:

• Making sure people don't run in the halls

• Making sure theres no bullying or bickering between other students

• Making sure people get to class on time.

Kiyotaka took this duty more seriously than anything else in his life.

Kiibo leaned on his own locker as he inspected the halls, while Kiyotaka took a more serious approach.
He stood in the middle of the halls with his arms crossed.

"Kazuichi-kun! Stop running in the halls!"
Kiyotaka yelled strictly, the mechanic stopped and pushed his hair behind his head.

"Sorry, man. I'm tryna get my friend to get to class."
Kazuichi mumbles, Kiyotaka asked him to direct him to his friend, Fuyihiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza.

"Kiibo-kun! Come on!"
Ishimaru shouted, Kiibo shot up and nodded, they followed the mechanic, walking quickly.

"Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu! Get to class!"
The moral compass directed.

"Heh. Like fuck I am."
Fuyuhiko crossed his arms, sitting down on the couch of the teachers room.

He strictly shouted.

"Fuyuhiko! Get the hell outta here, man!"
Kazuichi grabbed his friend's sleeves.

"Oh, yeah, like you wanna go to class?"
Fuyuhiko retaliated.

"No! Dude! I don't! But we gotta!"
Soda exclaimed, dragging him by the arm out of the teachers lounge.

"Dude! Let me go!"
He broke out of his grip, crossing his arms and looking to the side angrily.

"Fuyuhiko! Go to class! You're making Kazuichi late too!"
Kiibo mumbled, Kuzuryu scoffed.

He exclaimed stubbornly.

"Fuyuhiko, dude. I'll get ya cookie dough, or whatever, after school, promise."
Kazuichi mumbled.
Fuyuhiko liked that.

"Hm. Fine. You fuckers win."
The yakuza walked off with his best friend, Kazuichi looking satisfied and Kiibo and Kiyotaka looking disappointed.

"Hmph. I can't believe I couldn't convince him, but Kazuichi could!"
Kiyotaka whined.

"It's fine. We did what we could."
Kiibo murmured, sighing.

The bell rang and they ran off to class.

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