Help with the cats.. (Part 2 to Kiibo + Rantaro) [Kiibo + Ryoma]

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★ ★ ★

Taking care of 12 cats was more difficult then Kiibo thought..

Specifically Strawberry and Blueberry, two twins who would constantly fight.

Blueberry would catch Strawberry looking at him and attack her aggressively.

They had to go to the vet.

So Rantaro called up the first person that came to mine.
Ryoma Hoshi, the ultimate tennis pro, who loves cats more than anything.

"Yo, Ryo, Kiibs and I adopted.. uhh.. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten elev— twelve kittens, two of them are fighting and wont stop.
We need help."
Rantaro said, counting the kittens.

"You're asking me for help because?"

"You're good with kittens, now get over here."

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Two knocks at their apartment, Kiibo got up off of the couch to answer.

He opened the door and greeted the tennis pro happily.

"Hello, Ryoma! Thank you for coming to help!"
He greeted.

"Mhm, which one of them are fighting?"
He asked in his deep voice.

"These two! This one is blueberry, he has a black dot on his head, and this one is strawberry, she has two smaller dots on her head!"
He pointed to the two cats, after Blueberry realized he was pointing at the two, he started attacking Strawberry.

The two kittens squalled and fought.

"I see. Well, you should probably get Blueberry checked for any issues because he might be overly irritated; for Strawberry, you should keep her away from Blueberry for the time being."
He explained, looking at the other ten cats that were either on the couch or on the cat tower.

"Thank you! Would you like some tea?"


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"So.. how is it having twelve cats?"
Ryoma asked, stirring sugar into his tea.

"It's pretty difficult, but I love them all!"
Kiibo smiled, Rantaro came out of his room and greeted Ryoma, sitting down next to Kiibo.

"Have you named them all?"
The short one asked, the robot nodded.

"Mhm! This one on my lap is Pickle, the ones on the floor are Blueberry, Spot, Beep and Taro, the ones on the tower thingy are Soap, Muffins and Mittens, Fluff and Blank and Strawberry and finally, Bob!"
Kiibo listed all the kittens, pointing to the one he was naming.

".. Interesting.. names.."
Ryoma looked at him with narrow eyes.

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Blueberry had dental problems which is why he was so agitated.
It got resolved and the cats lived happily ever after.

★ ★ ★

hell ya

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