1. This One's For You!

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1759 words (sorry in advance 🥲)

You were a Monegasque through and through, you loved your home town of Monaco. There was just something special about living in a small but well known city, most famous for its beautiful city Monte Carlo, where you were born and raised. It was close to the beach and looked beautiful especially at sunrise and sunset. Oh, and the very talented Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclerc. You followed the sport closely and had always loved it from a young age as your dad had been following it all of your life. You had even been at the same school at the same time as Charles and had been quite good friends with him, although he was 2 years above you in school and 2 years older than you.
At school, you had had a crush on him since you were 14 and he was 16, although you never plucked up the courage to tell him. You were gutted when he left school to pursue his dream career as a driver. Since then, you followed his career as well as F1 and always messaged him after his races to congratulate him or offer commiserations if he didn't do well, either way you were a supportive friend to him and he appreciated you for it.
This weekend was the Monaco Grand Prix, the biggest race on the calendar in your opinion and Charles' and you were finally going to see it after months of saving up. You were also bringing your dad as a way to say thank you for everything he had done for you over the 22 years of your life. As you were watching for the entire weekend, you had booked a hotel for you two to stay in to be a little closer to the action. You were the most excited you had ever been as you left for the first day of free practices, Thursday. When you arrived at the hotel, you dumped your bags and then ran to find where you would be watching from all weekend. Luckily enough, you had good seats where you could see everything on that section of the track and one of the big screens to see everything else. Hopefully this weekend would be a good one.
It was quali day, you were so excited but nervous for the result that would determine the race the next day. You made your way down to the circuit with your dad early to see if you could catch a glimpse of any drivers, clad in your F1 merch. You waited for around 20 minutes before a few girls started screaming and you knew a driver was coming. You saw a splash of red and your heart skipped a beat, was it Charles? You hadn't seen him in years even though you kept messaging him but it just wasn't the same. The girls that were crowded around the driver started shouting at him to sign things for them. You still couldn't see who it was as you were slightly vertically challenged, much to your annoyance. They were making their way over your way as you were near the entrance to the paddock. The driver's team surrounded him, pushing the fans away while attempting to keep moving. They moved past you and your dad standing on your own so you weren't pushed around by the other crazy fans, although you really did want some drivers to sign your shirt and hat. Maybe they would see you standing apart. As they walked straight past you, you locked eyes with the driver. It was him, it was Charles.
"Y/N?" His accent was still as strong as it was when he had left, which made you happy he was sticking to his roots.
"Charles!" Your stomach did a somersault and all reasoning escaped your mind as you ran towards him. You were immediately caught by a man from the Ferrari team and pulled away from Charles. Then Charles did something you weren't expecting. He pulled the man off you and hugged you tightly. "Oh my God, Y/N! I didn't know you were here! Why didn't you tell me?" Charles shouted excitedly in your ear, loud enough for you to hear above all of the screaming and shouting from fans but in that moment they didn't matter. "I didn't know it would matter!" You shouted back, "I didn't know I'd see you properly!" You were ecstatic.
"Of course it matters, your support matters the most! All my other friends from school forgot me or left me because I drive now but you didn't. Walk with me." He indicated for you to follow him into the paddock.
"I can't go in there, I don't think your team would like that, I better go back to my dad. Good look in quali!" You realised everyone from his team was glaring at you for stopping them for so long so you decided to go back, you'd message him after all and maybe see him again now he knew you were there.
"What was that about? Did you meet them?" Your dad asked when you returned to him and started walking away from the crowd.
"That was Charles, I haven't seen him for so long!" You replied excitedly.
"You know him?" He asked, you forgot your dad didn't really know your friends, only your best friend, who you were practically attached to so how could he not.
"Yeah, I went to school with him, though he's a couple of years older and I was good friends with him. I forgot you didn't really know my friends." You explained.
"Oh, that's cool." He replied in the most 'dad' way ever, which made you chuckle a bit.
Qualifying went really well and Charles was sitting comfortably on pole with Carlos P2 and Lando P3 and Lewis P4. Max, who you didn't really like, was all the way in P10 after a lock up in Q3, much to your joy. This was going to be an interesting race.
When you got back to your hotel room, you lay down on your bed and messaged Charles to congratulate him and wish him good luck for tomorrow. After about 30 minutes, you told Charles to rest up as it was quite late and then put your phone down. You took a shower and got changed, before hearing your phone go off. You picked it up to see an email notification. As you opened it, you saw it was from the F1 organiser page. A file was the only thing in the email so you opened it. To your surprise, there were 2 Ferrari hospitality passes and premium seats for the race the next day. What? You dropped your phone in shock.
Once you had composed yourself again, you messaged Charles to see if he had any part in this. What did you do? Was the message you sent him. It only took a few minutes before he replied. I don't know what you're talking about 😁 He knew exactly what you were talking about. You didn't have to do that Charles, thank you so much though! 🥹 You messaged back. Then you went to tell your dad the amazing news. Wow! This was amazing.
You had made your way into the paddock and were now finding the Ferrari hospitality to meet Charles and wish him good luck. The race didn't start until the afternoon so your dad was going to meet you in your seats which gave you a few hours to wander. You found it and went inside. You were looking around in the main lobby area waiting for Charles before spotting the man who pushed you away yesterday. He stopped you, glaring at you. "Miss, you can't be in here. You have 30 seconds to leave or I'll escort you off the premises." He had an Italian accent but he sounded angry nonetheless.
"Um, I have a-" he cut you off.
"No excuses. You need to leave now!" He started to raise his voice at you. He grabbed your arm harshly and, just before he pulled you out the door, a familiar voice instructed the man to do something in Italian (you assumed, you didn't recognise it) and he dropped your arm and walked away. You looked over and saw Charles standing in the doorway, his race suit half down, exposing his skins he wears under his suit, his arms were folded over his chest. His always sunny expression was hardened with anger. "Charles!" You went over to him. "Are you okay?" He checked on you.
"Yes, I'm fine. Calm down, it's fine, he clearly doesn't like me very much. I don't care." You chuckled at how much he was affected by this but his face softened again back into a smile and he ushered you back to his room in the hospitality suite, where you spent the rest of the day with him just catching up.
"What did you say to that man?" You asked, curiously.
"Oh, I just told him that if he wasn't going to do his job properly with checking passes and that, I would tell Mattia so he got scared." He laughed with you.
"Thank you, I guess." You laughed.
After a few hours, you had to leave to let him prepare for the race and you had to find your dad.
The race was an eventful one, resulting in not only a podium but a Ferrari 1-2 with Charles in first! You were so happy for him and so proud as he lifted the trophy triumphantly. As they did the champagne, he sprayed some on the people below where you and your dad were standing and then he pointed at you. That one was for you, he mouthed at you and your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
Once he had done with the post-race media, he found you in the paddock once again but with your dad this time. You ran and hugged him, despite him being covered in sweat and champagne. You congratulated him proudly, "well done! You did amazingly! I mean I had no doubt but still! You did so well!"
"Thank you, it was hard but I wanted to do you proud knowing you were watching." Then he turned to your dad and then looked back at you, questioningly. "Oh yes! Charles, this is my dad. Dad, well, you know who Charles is." You introduced them to each other and the shook hands like men and your dad congratulated him. You then spent the rest of the day celebrating with the team.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked my first ever Charles Leclerc imagine! I know this year's Monaco GP didn't go like this but for the story's purpose, pretend it did okay 😁 i know the ending was kinda bad but I didn't know what to put so just go with it okay 😅 also sorry it was so long I tend to waffle but I like waffles so that's okay :)
Anyways, remember you are loved and strong and beautiful ❤️

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