31. Most Girls

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635 words
Inspired by 'Most Girls' by Hailee Steinfeld (a female imagine, sorry if you don't use those pronouns)
Listen to the song while reading 😁

You were a Leclerc sibling. The only girl, most often forgotten. But not by most. Most liked to drag you down and being in the eye of the media, you saw all of it. Your brothers had always tried to get you away from it but it was inescapable, you were always going to see it. You used to brush it off when you were younger and confident, it was just something that happened you would tell yourself but now you received more and you were building up insecurities of your own. You saw your friends and celebrities on social media looking perfect, most girls looked like that. Most girls didn't look like you.
You never cried though, you couldn't let on something was happening. Everyone receives hate at some point, especially if the media love your family so you just had to toughen up. You thought the 2 years of high school drama had prepared you for pretending you were okay and you actually thought it had worked but one day you were sitting on your phone as Charles walked into the room. He picked up your phone and switched it off. "Hey! What was that for?"
"Tell me what's going on." Charles remained calm but strict.
"What do you mean?"
"You're not yourself. You've been sad lately, insecure. I can see it even if no one else can. It's my job as an older brother to look out for you so I spot these things. Now, I will ask again, what's going on, Y/N?" You couldn't escape it now, his tone was firm and you knew he wouldn't leave without an answer.
"It's nothing serious, it's just stupid teenage insecurities. The 'fans' don't help with that though." You put air-quotes around 'fans'. They weren't really your fans and clearly they didn't like you very much.
"They can get a bit much, can't they?" He nodded, putting an arm around you.
"Yeah, but it's not the same for you."
"Why? I mean, yes I know, but tell me why you think that."
"You don't compare yourself to all the other girls on the internet. You don't feel like you should look like them. Like most girls don't look like me." You said, sadly.
"Who are 'most girls'?"
"All of the popular people on Instagram. Even my friends. They all look so perfect and beautiful and I look like this." You gestured to your body.
"Y/N/N. You are the most beautiful girl I know. Perfect shouldn't be a word in the dictionary because then there is this false idea of people actually meeting that standard when the standard is just set by people who want to look different. No one is perfect. Everyone is different, girls don't just come in one or two ways, they are all unique and beautiful. You are one of them Y/N/N. You are so beautiful on the inside and the outside. You know some days you feel so good in your own skin but it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in. You look greatest when you feel like a queen, we're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life. Everyday is different so be who you want to be today, today and be who you want to be tomorrow, tomorrow. Okay?"
"You make it sound so easy." You smiled.
"Why can't it be, it's only your brain that's making it hard."
"How do you give the best advice? It's so annoying!" You leaned into his side.
"You love it really." He teased.
"Do I?"
"Yes. Now, dinner won't make itself, want to help?" Charles alder standing up, offering you a hand.
"Of course. Thank you." You hugged him.
"It's my job, Y/N/N."

A/N: 2 in one night? Who am I? 😂 Hope you enjoyed, bit more of an emotional one (kind of) but I hope you liked it nevertheless
Remember, you are loved and strong and beautiful ❤️

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now