3. Jealous

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A/N: Credits to Bubblelollypop for this story idea. I read their version of this and I loved it so I just HAD to recreate it. Make sure to go and read their story on their Charles Leclerc Imagines book, it's so good!

You had been dating Charles Leclerc for 18 months now. You knew him inside and out and he knew everything about you too. He was like a golden retriever kind of guy- very chill and cute, never really got worked up about anything unless he was in his scarlet Ferrari. Then he was just a competitive golden retriever.
This morning had started off as a normal race Sunday does, go to the track, meetings, media, final prep for the race and then just head in the game from there. However, this race for Charles was a big one, he was starting from P2 on the grid and in Monza so he didn't want to let the team down as it was Ferrari's home race. You decided to leave Charles to do his thing to prep as he was starting to feel the pressure and you didn't want to get in his way and add to his stress. You decided to go to see Lando, one of your best friends when you were at the track.
When you got to the McLaren hospitality, you immediately saw Lando racing one of his engineers down the pit lane on scooters. You laughed at him when he lost and challenged him to a race with you, knowing you'd probably lose but the fun and laughs were worth it and why not, right? You raced as fast as you could and actually won but not by much. Lando was unimpressed and you laughed as he pretended to be offended and sulk like a child. "Lando!" You laughed, "you're acting like a literal toddler! You're 22!"
"Okay, Y/N!" He sassed, walking over to you, "you want me to act my age? I'll fight you!" He joked.
"Go for it, I can beat you!" You said, going with it even though you both knew it was no better.
Lando started to play fight with you, you getting carried away laughing at him and winning so much so that you didn't see Charles until he pushed Lando away from you and out of earshot. There was one thing you could see though, Charles was furious. You couldn't think what about though and you didn't know what Lando had done- he had been here the whole time, he couldn't have done anything to Charles in that time.
Once Charles was finished with Lando, he came up to you and said furiously, "come on, Y/N." without even looking at you. "Charles! Baby! Come on! What was that for?" You we're slightly irritated that he had spoiled your fun with Lando, you were winning too! (Yes, you were kind of childish too 😁) He said nothing until you got back to his room in the Ferrari hospitality.
"Come on! Tell me, what happened?" You pressed, more annoyed now.
"You and Lando, Y/N! You and Lando!" Charles burst out. You were taken back by this, he had never spoken to you like that. He immediately saw it on your face and realised what he had done.
"What do you mean? We're friends, Charles. Friends. Amis!" You had tears in your eyes after the way he had snapped at you.
"Ma cherie, I'm so sorry," he apologised profusely, sitting next to you and pulling you into his side. "I didn't mean to snap like that. It's just all the pressure of this weekend, which I know is no excuse, and then fans spreading rumours about you and Lando. I don't know, I just got insecure and panicked. I just thought what if I lost the best thing that ever happened to me. Je suis trés désolé! " He looked sad and full of regret. You lifted up his chin and gently kissed his lips, "I would never leave you, baby. I love you and only you, okay? And today you're going to go out there and smash it, I just know, and if not, you'll still make me proud but you will. I'm not going anywhere whether you like it or not so get used to it." You said sternly, but grinned at him at the end. He kissed you in response and then pulled you into a tight hug before he had to go to get ready for the race. "Don't forget to apologise to Lando when you see him." You reminded him as he left you in the hospitality.
In case you were wondering, Charles won the race.

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