36. Talk Show

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James Cordon was your favourite talk show host, for sure, so when you got the call that you would be on his show, the Late Late Show, you were obviously very excited. You had just had a new movie released, in which you starred alongside Brad Pitt. It was an amazing experience and you couldn't wait to talk about it with James. Even better, it was your first big movie so you were very proud of it and doing all of the press for it was exciting too.
"And now we are joined by a very special guest who has now completed a bucket list item, starring in the new F1 movie alongside Brad Pitt, it's Y/N Y/L/N!" The audience rose and applauded as you walked onstage, waving excitedly at everyone. James hugged you before you sat down and the audience calmed.
"So, Y/N! We're so excited to have you on the show today. It's an honour to have you for your first late night show. How are you feeling?" James started, enthusiastically.
"Wow! This is amazing! I'm so excited to be here, you don't even understand! I've watched all my favourite singers and actors on this how since I was young and now I'm one of them. This is so cool!" James laughed a little at your awe.
"It's amazing to have you. We actually heard some talk of you being in a small movie, is this true?" He joked, everyone knew about this movie.
"Not sure where you heard that." You joked back, staring to loosen up a bit. "Tiny movie, no famous actors in it. Surprised you knew." You both laughed.
"No but seriously. This is huge, it's your first big movie and you worked with Brad Pitt. How does something like that come about?"
"I honestly don't know." That audience laughed. "It all happened so fast. One day I was in America, doing auditions and the next I was back in Monaco, getting a call from my agent to say I booked the job. It was all kind of a blur."
"Wow. That's crazy it happened to fast. So you went through the whole audition process?"
"Of course. I'm not big or famous enough yet to just be asked to be in a movie. I still have to do the whole process."
"Maybe this movie will change that. I saw it at the premiere last night and from what I saw, you were amazing."
"Thank you." You blushed.
"So how was working with someone as big as Brad Pitt? That's got to be intimidating, right?"
"Before I met him, I was so scared. I literally cried the night before because I was so nervous but he was so nice and helped me a lot, especially some of the bigger scenes in the movie that I couldn't quite get. It was such a privilege to be mentored, I guess, by Brad because he was so patient and kind and off set we became quite good friends because he's exactly the same on camera as he is off. He's lovely. I even have his phone number now."
"Wow. So would you say he's the most famous person in your contacts now then?"
"Absolutely. And I'm proud of it." You laughed.
"You should be. Are there any behind the scenes moments that stick out to you that you can share?"
"There are so many I can't share." You laughed again. "But there's one that sticks out to me because it's quite funny and random. I think it must have been a long day that we were filming so we had got up really early and by this time it was like, what? 9pm? Something like that. So, as you can imagine, we were losing it because the sleep deprivation was thriving. I was literally so tired because it was a non-stop day too and I actually didn't even remember half of it but there are videos. So many videos." You laughed as you remembered the videos you had seen the morning after. "It was like we were drunk. I just have these videos of me, Brad and some of the extras we were filming with huddling to keep warm in these huge puffer coats and plastic bonnet type things on our heads so our hair didn't get ruined because it was raining and cold and we were singing Adele at the top of our lungs. I say singing, it was more screaming. It might not sound as funny now but it was at the time because I didn't remember any of it and there was no need for it, we just did it." The audience were laughing at your story and clapping.
"That's amazing." James laughed. "We need to see these videos."
"Absolutely not. They are staying safely on my phone."
"Maybe we will see them one day. So obviously this is an F1 movie and we know you've been dating a certain Ferrari driver for a while now, did he help you at all with the role?"
"Actually, not really." You laughed. "Charles helped Brad a lot because he plays a driver but for me, no. He did come and see me on set though which was nice. He actually surprised me when he had a summer break and I was still filming which was very nice. We're very supportive of each other which helps a lot so I always have him to support me and obviously I do the same for him, it's nice to know we have each other's backs."
"We've seen a lot of you guys together recently because you've been done with filming and he's on the winter break so, of course, there are rumours. That being said, I have to ask because it's been circulating for a few days: are you two engaged?"
"We just announced it yesterday so it's not a rumour anymore, its real. Yes, we are and I couldn't be happier. It still feels like I should be denying rumours because it's like a dream come true. I mean, my dream job, this movie and the perfect fiancé. What is my life?" As you said this, you caught the eye of your now fiancé in the audience. You couldn't help but smile as he watched you with pride on his face.
"We can see that you two are very in love which we love to see."
"Thank you. We are very happy."
"Well, I'm glad to hear it. Look, Y/N, I'm so sorry to tell you but our time is up. We have to say goodbye now but I'm sure you'll be back soon. We loved having you here."
"Aw no! It was lovely being here and I certainly will be back- you can't get rid of me that easily after just one interview." Everyone laughed. "Thank you for having me and you guys were amazing." You pointed to the audience, who all cheered.
"You were amazing Y/N. Thank you."

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