45. We All Need Someone To Stay

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Inspired by 'Someone To Stay' by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Listen to the song whilst reading 😁 This is how I imagine an actual relationship with Charles would be because it's so wholesome
A/N: Sorry it's been a while, I've been wanting to write but I've had no ideas so hopefully I can get some inspiration for you guys. Of course, ideas are always welcome and most importantly enjoy :)

This morning, you had woken up before Charles which was unusual so you decided to make breakfast for you both to have in bed. You felt sad this morning with no trigger or reason why. Some days were just like that and you just had to get on with it. You were making pancakes when you felt two strong arms snake around your waist and hug you from behind. I guess it wouldn't be breakfast in bed today then. You half turned around to kiss your beautiful boyfriend before turning back to the breakfast. "Bon matin, mon amour." (Good morning, my love) you said quietly, preserving your energy for later when you would have to actually do something. "Good morning, baby. You okay?" He asked, noticing something was wrong.
"Yeah, it's just one of those days. How are you?"
"Oh yeah, I understand. I'm good actually. Are you making pancakes?" He had a childish grin on his face looking over your shoulder at his favourite cheat breakfast that you were making.
"Of course, I thought we could do with them this morning. Set the table and we can have some." He kissed you on the cheek from behind and went to set the table. You both ate the pancakes which were thoroughly enjoyable and cleared up before getting ready for the day.
You didn't have to do much today, only go to the track for Charles' media day but he only had to be in at 11 so you could take your time getting ready. He came in when you were changed and were putting on some light makeup. He took the concealer out of your hands and smiled at you through the mirror. "You don't need this, ma chérie." He hugged you from behind again.
"Thanks but I do have to look somewhat presentable to go out, okay. I appreciate that though." You smiled back at him and continued putting on the concealer.
Once you were ready, you still had an hour before you had to leave so you cuddles with Charles on the bed. "I love you so so much, ma chérie. Never forget that, okay?" He whispered in your ear, pulling you closer as if he was afraid you would leave.
"I won't but don't you forget how much love I have and always will have for you either, okay? Because it's endless, infinite if you will." He just squeezed you in response. You loved time like this with Charles. Just appreciating each other and telling the other how much they are loved. It just seemed so perfect even when the world wasn't and that was refreshing. It was like a constant in a world of change and that put you at ease every time you thought about it. You could come back home to Charles and know he would be waiting for you to support you after whatever kind of day you have had and he knew that you would do the same for him. Every time.

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now