21. Airport

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This is inspired by 'Monaco Grand Prix' in ALM0623 's F1 imagines book. Go and check it out, it's so good! (They have fully consented to me using their idea)

You had only been dating Charles for a few weeks but he was of course off all around the world racing. Obviously, you knew this before you had started dating but it didn't make it any easier, especially since it was the start of your relationship. That being said, you were going to see him in the US and to support him in the race. You were so excited to see him as it had been a week. A week too long and you missed him despite calling everyday. You messaged him all day as he wasn't doing anything with F1 until Friday and it was Wednesday. You couldn't wait to see him when he picked you up from the airport.
The flight was long but it went smoothly, making you tired but happy. You collected your bags and made your way to arrivals to find Charles. When you got there, you couldn't see Charles anywhere but there were about 50 girls all crowded around something, all waving and shouting. You put your AirPods in to drown them out as their screams were piercing and you were too tired for that. You pushed through them to go to the exit and find Charles, maybe he hadn't made it in yet. As you got to the centre of the group, you spotted the person you had been looking for, your boyfriend, Charles Leclerc. He was surrounded and people were thrusting things in his face for him to sign but he looked unphased by it. He signed them quickly before moving on to the next one. As he neared you, you called his name loudly but then realising you sounded just like his fans. However, he looked up in your direction, recognising your voice. He stopped what he was doing and you ran up to him, hugging him tightly. He caught you and hugged you back, lifting you off the floor slightly. The fans screamed even louder but at this moment, it didn't matter. When he placed you back on the floor, you were hit with the tiredness of the day and really just wanted to get out of there. You were overwhelmed by how many people there were. That was another thing you weren't prepared for when you started dating- the fans, they were lovely but they got too much sometimes. "Charles, baby?" You said softly in his ear so he could hear you.
"Yes, ma cherie."
"Can we leave now. I'm tired." You looked at the ground and Charles saw how you felt, he had felt like that at the beginning but now he was used to it.
"Of course. Here, pass me your bags." He smiled and held his hand out to take your bags which you gratefully accepted. He apologised to his fans that he had to leave and put a hand on your waist to guide you out.
Once outside, you took a deep breath and took out your AirPods. You felt calmer now. "You okay, ma cherie?" Charles asked you, he understood what it was like to feel overwhelmed by people.
"Yeah," you breathed. "But I'm ready to leave. That was too many people."
"I know. It's over now though and your safe with me." He kissed your forehead gently and put your bags in the back of the car before opening the door for you to get in, what a gentleman.
You drove for 2 hours, catching up with Charles and just being with him. For you, his presence was all you needed, you felt calm and safe and at ease with him there.
Eventually, you began to fall asleep as your exhaustion from your travels washed over you. Charles looked at you peacefully sleeping next to him and smiled. He thought it was cute when you were asleep, so relaxed. He continued to drive until he reached the hotel. He rubbed your arm gently to wake you. "Ma cherie, we're here. I need you to wake up for me." He said softly, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You opened your eyes groggily and looked around, your eyes squinting in the bright sunlight. "Did I fall asleep?" You asked croakily.
"Yeah." Charles chuckled, helping you out of the car and getting your bags. You admired the area before you went inside and went up to Charles' room, directed by Charles, obviously. As soon as you found the room and went inside, Charles pulled you round so close that you could feel his breath on your face. You pulled him closer and kissed him deeply and passionately but gently. You had waited a week to do that to him. You weren't about the PDA thing, you found it weird showing the world yours and Charles' private life. Fireworks erupted around you like the first kiss all over again. He felt it too, the butterflies, the sparks, everything. You were already falling so hard for each other, it was crazy.

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now