5. Paper Rings

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485 words
Inspired by 'Paper Rings' by Taylor Swift
In this Charles is not famous and he doesn't have loads of money (he's not broke and can get by just fine but he's not like he is now)
Listen to the song while reading 😁

After a long time of dating someone you start to think of the future with them and what that future would look like. Will you get married? Will you have children? What would that be like?
After 3 years of dating Charles Leclerc, you were starting to think about that. You could really see your whole life spent with him. You loved him more than anyone else in the world and he loved you beyond compare which he was sure to tell you every single day.
Tonight, Charles was taking you on a fancy dinner date to your favourite restaurant. It wasn't like what people write about in books or do in films but it was more than you could ever ask for. With Charles, you felt like the richest person alive. You had just got your meals and had started eating when you decided to bring up the future. It was something you hadn't talked to him about yet but you weren't nervous, you knew he loved you and you loved him. "Do you ever think about the future?" You asked him, taking a bite of your meal.
"L'avenir? (The future?) In what way? Like us together?"
"Yeah. I mean like will we start a family and get married and you know, stuff like that."
"Yeah, I think about that. One day we will. Only if you want to though." He made you laugh a little with that.
"Of course I want to Charles. Since we moved in I always thought about it. I really see a life with us both in it. And maybe lots of little Charles'." You laughed again.
"Maybe, they'd be cute."
"Don't big yourself up. You're not that cute." He pouted at this.
"You sure?" He said teasingly.
"Okayyy, they'd be cute."
"Yay," he laughed. "Little Y/Ns would be cuter though." You both smiled. "How many would you want?" You asked, you knew you would want 2 or 3.
"I think 3. I am one of 3 brothers. That would be perfect for me. What about you, ma cherie?"
You smiled knowing you agree. "2 or 3 for me." You continued to eat before you said, "I'd want to be married first though. I've always thought that."
"Yeah, of course I'd want to be married to. Make you Mrs Leclerc would be the best thing I could do. Weddings are expensive though." He added.
"Charles, I'd marry you with paper rings if I had to. Anything would be perfect."
He just smiled in response, causing you to do the same. His smile was the cutest thing and it always made you feel better.
You finished your meals and went home to continue planning the future.

A/N: This was a shorter one, it wasn't as cute as I'd wanted it to be but it's still kinda cute so I'm gonna leave it here. Let me know what you think.
Remember you are loved and strong and beautiful ❤️

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now