42. We Don't Need Music

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You hated fighting with Charles. You didn't argue often but when you did, it stung. It cut deep.
You had just had one of the biggest fights in a long time and it hurt. A lot. You knew that what you had both said was in the heat of the moment but you were still taken aback by some of the things he had said. The house had fallen silent about 20 minutes ago, after you had removed yourself from the situation by leaving the kitchen and going to lay down in yours and Charles' room. You just lay there, on top of the crisp sheets, listening to the silence. It was like after a storm- all quiet and calm. Charles had stopped making noise now too so you assumed he had cooled off a little. After fights or arguments, you knew to let him calm down and he did the same for you so neither one of you would say anything else you would later regret.
You decided it was finally time to make up so you went down to the kitchen to find Charles but you didn't find him there. You found him in the living room, sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands. He had a habit of beating himself up about the arguments you had, even if he hadn't initiated the fight.
You approached him carefully so as not to scare him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder to let him know you were there. He looked up at you, eyes red clearly from crying. You didn't look much better yourself but you weren't bothered about how each other looked right now. You offered a small smile which he returned. "I'm sorry." You spoke softly, breaking the silence. He stood up and wrapped his arms around your body, your head resting on his chest. "It's okay, it's okay." He repeated quietly. You felt him begin to sway you, like there was music playing that you couldn't hear. "What are you doing, mon amour?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Dancing with you, ma chérie."
"But there's no music."
"We don't need music."
"I love you so much, Charles."
"I know, I love you so much too. Now, just relax." He continued to sway to the non-existent music. It was so peaceful and calming. You were just being and it was the perfect reset for you both. The rest of the evening was spent appreciating each other's presence and being grateful for everything you had created together. Fights and arguments were inevitable but it was the rebuilding that was the most significant, ensuring you both knew that you were loved and safe. And that's exactly how you felt with Charles. No matter what was going on, his presence made you feel safe.

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now