20. Brother

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A/N: Y/N/N means your nickname that Charles calls you. I left it up to you because it can be something you are called by your own family or friends to make it more 'realistic' (I know it's not realistic but we can imagine 😌)

Being a Leclerc meant that you were well known by a lot of people even though you were still in school and hadn't done anything yourself. However, two out of your three older brothers had- they were Formula drivers. Charles was an F1 driver and Arthur, F3. Lorenzo was your other brother, the oldest, and he was like you- known for being the sibling, not that either of you minded. You were both incredibly proud of their achievements and went to races as much as you could to support them. You loved them to pieces and they loved you too of course, meaning they were very protective of you. Being the youngest didn't help either- you were the family baby. Anyone you tried to date, they scared off and every time you did anything they would question you. You knew they had your best interests in mind but sometimes it became suffocating.
You got on with your brothers though. Most of the time. You would chill with them, play paddel with them and everything in between. You were close with them so you would always make fun of them, causing the others to gang up on whoever you were making fun of at the time. It also meant you would tell them everything, even if it was a secret. They were your best friends. You four were a lot to handle, you don't know how your mum did it, especially on her own now.
At races, you would always worry about the what-ifs but you supported both Charles and Arthur through anything so you watched every race weekend, in person or in TV- it didn't matter. This weekend, Arthur had already raced and had an amazing result of P2. Now, you were watching from Charles' garage with him, wearing headphones so you could hear what was going on. Charles was having a great race, he was in for a podium. That was until the penultimate lap. The camera hadn't focused on Charles' car when he had spun off but the replay looked terrifying. You saw the slo-mo as Max had turned into Charles, causing him to spin and hurtle towards the barrier at high speed. As soon as you this, you looked round at Arthur, standing just behind you, who was focused on the screen, waiting to see what was going to happen next. Worry was plastered across your face, you were scared. Arthur continued to watch as you turned your head back round to do the same and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders comfortingly. He knew how worried you got with things like this.
Finally, after what felt like eternity, you heard Charles' voice on the radio confirming he was okay. You noticed the disappointment in his voice and knew he was going to be frustrated when he got back as the crash wasn't his fault. You hoped Max would get penalised for causing the collision but that was at the back of your mind- Charles always said he was okay to let the engineers know he could get out of the car but that didn't mean he wasn't injured so you continued to worry until you saw him round the corner into the garage. You saw the frustration on his face so you decided to let Arthur go first, he understood him more from a driver's perspective so he would know what to say. You watched as Arthur went up to him and gave him a hug and patted him on the back. He spoke to him for a moment out of your earshot so you waited and let them have their moment. During their conversation, you saw Charles look around before his eyes landed on you and he quickly made his way over to you. This time, it was Arthur's turn to wait. His face looked almost relieved for a moment, as if he had forgotten to be mad at Max for casing him to crash.
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N." Charles said in your ear as he bent down to hug you.
"What for? You did amazing today, you couldn't have done anything differently. It was Max's fault. And you know I am always proud of you." You reminded him.
"I love you, Y/N/N. Thank you. I know how you worry though but I promise I'm okay." He hugged you again and, of course, you hugged him back.
"Love you too, Charles. Promise?" You held out your pinky finger for him to wrap his around.
"Promise." He wrapped his pinky around yours in a pinky promise. It was something you had always done, it meant more than just a promise- it was one you couldn't break so you would do it if you thought that he, or Arthur and Lorenzo, were lying to you. Charles was double checked over after to make sure he hadn't sustained any injuries and then everyone's focus switched to Max and the FIA.
Of course, the FIA being the FIA, they did not penalise Max for the crash. When the news was announced as it being just a 'race incident', the whole garage exploded. You were so angry, more than anyone, no one would mess with your brother. You made a start to run out and tell someone (you didn't really have a plan) but Charles grabbed you before you could take a step as if he could read your mind. "Y/N." He said warningly. His stern face and voice stopped you in your tracks. You knew not to disobey Charles when he got serious like that. It made sense though, no matter how much you hated it: if you had said anything, you would have put Charles' position in jeopardy which you didn't want to do.
Sometimes you hated racing.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I like the brother ones for some reason, I just think they're cute and I think they are all great brothers to each other and I have seen loads of people do ones like this so I felt inspired✨😂
Remember, you are loved and strong and beautiful ❤️

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now